Meta gods

What are some meta gods you know and is it possible to create them and does chavajoth have a sigil

Chavajoth or Azerate does have a few sigils. I channeled one myself that I can give you after I wake up tomorrow. There are Metagods like Hermaphrodite,AmunRa,Satolas, and very others. Seth and Apep can manifest as a god named Setapep and VK channeled that Lucifer and Paimon if I remember right had a metagod. Also S Conolly talks about mixing sigils to evoke essence of more than one divinities in rituals so I guess it’s normal.


Its said Satan and Lucifer have a metagod form from what I read to. Sepheranz had a hand in that I think. Its somewhere on the forum


Some say Satan is the metagod of Lucifer and Lucifuge.


I was wrong its Heralah who had a hand in that meta god.
Eh im not to sure about that, wouldnt they have to be merged all the time? Im not to sure about how that metagod stuff works. We can ask Satan later.


Which s canolly book is it I’m interested been attempting this a while

sigils for chavajoth and goetikon


I believe you can create a metagod in terms of possibly an egregore or thoughtform because Satalos is technically a BALG egregore, his place is considered “father of the gatekeepers” but Azazel and such do not actually acknowledge this being but he still holds a place in that specific pathworking and it works.


Butt Blood…

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People have been creating metagods for a long time. Egypt, Rome, Greece, etc. all have blends of multiple deities. Essentially they’re egregores. Some metagods aren’t any more powerful than a single spirit but it’s power levels can evolve over time. In preparation for my final rite with Belphegor, he had me summon and commune with different spirits that he instructed would be interested in joining together for it. And they did just that. But not all spirits are cool with merging their energy with another so it’s always good not to attempt force spirits to become a metagods.


Whoa this sigil pulled me in. Dafuq
.gotta keep my eyes closed outhere

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Egregrore are they powerful to everyone or just there creator

It did me to lol

Egregores are created by an individual or a group of people collectively, they can add people to its sphere of influence if said people start using it too and the attention feeds it.

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Oh ok so power grows with attention got it

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I think lucifer and astaroth would be cool those are two I worked with a bit in the past or AZRAEL Thoth lucifer azazel would be awesome lot different aspects in that one

Lucifer + Eris or LucifEris is spooky

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@anon48079295 So basically possiblities are limitless lol AZRAEL + Hermanubis + Thoth + Osiris + baron samedi + papa legba + lucifer + azazel + eurynomos + bifrons + beezlebub + astaroth

That Would be perfect for any and all necromancy and black magic very diverse

If they agree to do it sure

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Probably the weirdest one I ever encountered though was Ereshkigal and Quan Yen. Like in what world does that make sense lol.

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