Mephisto's Grey Room (BALG Sex Stories and Horny 18+ Thread)

Agreed!!! Idk if I should get into me and azazels story… but he seems so loving, kind and sweet and he’s rough in bed he also has a lot of passion to offer.

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Atleast same… my favorite thing to do… just saying

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I’d like to here your story if you ever feel like sharing it.

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I’m gonna skip the whole summon part and stuff, but basically, I got into a trance state, it was trippy and sort of weird considering I haven’t done it much, but we started to makeout and I just remember him fucking me out of my mind, I also got to ride him which was fun… I also tried to be dominant even tho he was the one fucking
Me out of my mind! We also manipulated out going energy to give eachother even more pleasure…

He kept kissing my nipples and all I could do was moan, except till the point I decided to fight back (not literally) and started to ride his dick without mercy and ooooo we both felt it good and hard.

After a while, he pushed me back and started to fuck me so rough… I think we were both tired by that point, me more so then him his energy was very warm and hot which was enticing and he had this dominant, charming and alluring vibe which I also enjoyed


Random thoughts: holy crap Azazel was right. People treat me drastically different when I bleach my hair and Wear eyeliner :scream::scream::scream:.

Why are humans so visually based !!!