Mentor interest

it would be kick ass to have you EA as a mentordefinately would be a jump start to ascention but iam financially in a spot similar to that what you described yourself in your videos pre ascent and 800$ would be worth it if a man could afford it…your work is fucking amazing open unfiltered man…im a fan but I was reading the article you posted about getting aide and apprenticeship into Azazel pacts and I was like hell yeah here we go until I seen the price I was like ah fuck!! man if I could afford it id be all over that its appreciated u opened up like that paving the way for us novice guys to hit it wide open but damn…iam in the process on ascending to a level financially and in power to be able to obtain such treasure…a bit steep for me right now when I get to a level where this really starts to hit don’t worry I will send tribute u deserve it for your kindness don’t get me wrong im not on some lonely hearts club search but Lavey said when magick becomes a constantly solitary situation it runs congruent with anti social behavior and having a mentor if one is able to humble themselves enough to admit they need to be taught…potential could explode and its about fucking time I know people have to set a degree system to prtect themselves from kooks and assholes who would try nd silence you but fuckin bravo on saying heres the knowledge study and ascend… im workin on it…Cheers!!