Mental sight question

So I been struggling with visions for some time or maybe I’m not.

So I’m chasing after a vision but can’t seem to see it. I don’t know if what I can see is in minds eye or imagination.

So at any given time while eyes are open I can I guess imagination or mind eye about anything from the dead to weird shit to things I just want to see like a dead man dancing in the street as I drive by.

My issue is I’m not actually seeing them but I vividly know it’s there and imagine it o guess?

I’m lost lol

For instance sometimes like right now at lunch I can sense a child and man near me I can make out each detail I can’t see them with my eyes.

How do I know if this is imagination or mind eye.

I been chasing visions for years but always been able to this have I been chasing something I already had? Is this the minds eye I hear ea talk about so much lol

Sos lol

The “mind’s eye” is the imagination. It is the bridge between the physical and the astral.

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So I wonder if this goal of mine has been infact always there haha

It sounds to me like it has always been there. You’re just confusing it for something else.

I always just thought I a weird imagination haha like at work out place had 4 murders my office has 3 suicides one was a kid. I " see the kid in the hallway sometimes" not manifested but if you asked for his details I can give you his eye color and clothing details"

I just took it as my mind being weird or me just wishing shit was there.

For instance if I think about darkness while in this restroom I can feel it bust through the front doors see it pass each hall in detail and see it pool up in front of me" but mentally not in the flesh

I guess I had visions confused with manifestation

Or I got a wild mind

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You should pick up a copy of EA’s book Questing After Visions. He goes over the types of visions and how to tell a real one from simple imagination. Like with some visions you can close your eyes and they go away, and others they are still there even with the eyes closed.

I think it will answer your questions.

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Awesome I just started reading that I was actually watching his interview on the book at lunch and he had similar issues that’s what posted the " holy shit have I been seeing all along"

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