Mental illness medications

I feel you. Some folks can manage without their meds, some have some pretty bad consequences from doing so. I won’t tell you what to do, but I will absolutely suggest not taking this course of action without working with a doctor while doing so. Coming off of just one med unsupervised can be dangerous on it’s own.If you take multiple meds, you could really damage yourself, as this changes many factors.


Magick is best used in compliment with solid medical care; it is not a great idea, IMO, to substitute one for the other entirely. Meds might inhibit your magick in some way, but so will jumbling your brain chemistry unwittingly. Possibly worse, in fact.

That being said, how is your meditation practice? Whether I was on or off meds, I found that this is key for me in handling my own symptoms. Not exactly the same as yours, but honestly; I have only heard of a couple random scenarios where meditation made things worse. Actually just one, in very rare instances of TBI.

Hope this helps.