Mental illness medications

So i’ve read about a lot of people here who take antipsychotics, antidepressants or sedatives for treating mental illness.
As someone with schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, sleep disorder, chronic depression and the complex goes on, i find myself facing the same problem with medications as many here.
From my experience and what I’ve heard these medications suppress your psychic powers and make practicing magick very difficult. So i have decided to get off of them gradually, but i fear the consequences! Can someone tell me how i can substitute my medications with magick? Can anyone help me with this or is it a bad idea?
I believe i can do it but i don’t have enough knowledge to do so!
Any questions or suggestions are welcomed!


Have you ever tried coming off any of these meds previously? Before this lifestyle change?

The reason is that you need to be able to differentiate between what you are feeling internally and that which is manifesting.

It’s difficult to say because you have a number of conditions and so only you can know if a specific medication can be removed, but I would suggest that you see your doctor and ask if there is some method of substituting alternative and complementary therapies and weaning off the drugs slowly. If they ask why, say that you’re adopting a green lifestyle and you want to also save the health service money… Don’t mention magick.

It’s a slow process as I’m coming off pain medication for arthritis and it’s taken considerably longer than I’d hoped.

I wish you the best for your journey ahead. Viel Gluck!


I feel you. Some folks can manage without their meds, some have some pretty bad consequences from doing so. I won’t tell you what to do, but I will absolutely suggest not taking this course of action without working with a doctor while doing so. Coming off of just one med unsupervised can be dangerous on it’s own.If you take multiple meds, you could really damage yourself, as this changes many factors.


Magick is best used in compliment with solid medical care; it is not a great idea, IMO, to substitute one for the other entirely. Meds might inhibit your magick in some way, but so will jumbling your brain chemistry unwittingly. Possibly worse, in fact.

That being said, how is your meditation practice? Whether I was on or off meds, I found that this is key for me in handling my own symptoms. Not exactly the same as yours, but honestly; I have only heard of a couple random scenarios where meditation made things worse. Actually just one, in very rare instances of TBI.

Hope this helps.


Absolutely stay on your medications and work with your doctor. The members of this forum are not doctors, and we CANNOT offer medical advice in regards to what you should or shouldn’t do.

Your actions, and their consequences, are yours and yours alone.


No, exactly which is why you need to wean off the majority of medication with the assistance of a physician. It can mess up hormones and tip you over if you aren’t careful; I know that I was having night time restlessness thanks to dopamine issues as I dropped below a certain level.

If you are seeking help from the great Goetic gods however I’d suggest asking President Marbas and Buer for guidance through this.


Z[quote=“ArDon, post:1, topic:39621”]
Can someone tell me how i can substitute my medications with magick?

a billion dollars question…

If you’re antipsychotic medication, it’s best you stay on them. Doctors don’t prescribe those sort of pills without a good reasons so I really don’t think you stop taking them. Not even gradually.

But honestly, I don’t think you should do this. You said you had schizophrenia already, so the pills keep that under control. However, think of what would happen if you try to open your 3rd eye to communicate with spirits and be able to hear them but the voices you hear in your head start to come into the mix? You could end up hearing a lot of nasty things that you may think are spirits but are really from your illnesses. I’d hate to think of what might happen if the voices in your head tell you to do something awful to yourself (or others innocents) and you follow it because you believe you’re listening to a lesser spirit around you. (Not trying to imply that all or even the majority of beings are like this AT ALL but I’m aware that are many lesser spirits that would possible jump at this chance)

At the end the day, your mental health and your life is all on you. Just some thoughts but always consult with a doctor first because I’m only giving you my thoughts, not medical advice.


But there are spirits that do healing. Raphael and Marbas are the first that I know that heal aliments all the time. (Use the search bar)

Look into that if you want but I wash my hands of any responsibility because I already told you I think it’s a bad idea.