Memory erasure

Gotcha. What I was alluding to is the fact that memory wiping is something that is up their alley, and I know that because that was something they were going to work with me on. So, if you are looking for an entity, let’s say, then they MighT be a good place to start. Just thoughts…
Good luck!

@MagickMike Thank you that’s good to know! I take that into consideration but I think I’m gonna choose azazel. The fact that he’s supposedly irrevocable and that there’s no going back with him is truly what I want. That said, I’m not starting this work tomorrow so I can still change my mind. I want to get a soul retrieval first as I’ve heard that when you lose a soul piece it takes some memories with it. So there’s no point erasing my memory if it ever returns through a soul piece.

Ok. Yeah Azazel is a real powerhouse.

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I offered him blood. Lots of it. Can’t go wrong with blood. They love that shit.

@zer0rez does period blood do? Or do they really request it extracted from your veins?

Period blood would probably be better honestly. I’m a dude though so I took it from my veins.

Hello all, I’m bumping this topic as my project of memory erasure is advancing. I would like to know if some more people have testimonials about this action done to themselves or other people. When I will get (at least try getting) my memory erased I think I will post another topic describing everything that’s going on. Thanks for your time as memory erasure is of the utmost importance to me.