Memory erasure

It’s been some time now that I contemplate to have some part of my memory erased. I have some past trauma that I can’t forget and that still haunt me but it’s not only a matter of trauma or bad memories. I also have a ton of memories that are not negative but they are completely pointless and they pollute my mind. The more time passes the more I feel that my mind is like some kind of computer that is saturating with too much files. You know when a hard drive becomes slow and it heats because it’s overloaded. I’m 30 years old and I just feel like I can not keep 30 years of pointless information stored in my mind. I mean not ALL information is pointless of course! I still want to remember my name and a summary of my story but there’s a good 50% information that can be deleted from my mind because it’s only garbage and serve no purpose. But I want it COMPLETELY erased in permanent way, like erased from my subconscious mind. Because there are a lot of things that I thought I had forgotten but it came back in dreams so it was obviously not erased, it was only hidden in my subconscious. I’m not looking to erase mind programs or bad habits or anything like that. I want to erase whole events, people etc from my mind. I mean, sometimes you don’t want to have anything to do with someone, you don’t want them in your home, you don’t want them to ever contact you again so why are you forced to keep them in your mind which is the most personal thing you have??? Anyway like I’m not advanced in magick and I can’t astral project I guess the best solution would be to ask an entity to do it on my behalf. Does anybody know of any entity who specialize in memory erasure? An entity that I could safely call on? Also what is the price in exchange for such a service? I’m unable to communicate with spirits properly so I’d love to know what kind of offering does the entity expect in advance. Any of you have an experience to share about memory erasure whether you’ve erased your own memory or the memory of someone else?


This thing I did in high school led to changing how my mind was organized.

I had this notion that I wanted to have lots of “space” for all the good stuff I need to learn and so had to do something to free up my memory.

The idea went something like this:

I see myself in the library of my mind. There are sections upon sections filling up the aisles. In the library, there is a little room called “The Archive”. That is where files go to be sent to long term, deep, storage. The single filing cabinet, or box, or slot in the small room is where all the extra / redundant / unimportant files get inserted.

The principle is that anything I put in the archive slot, can be taken out, but only after spending lots of energy trying to recall the thought. In computer terms, think of it as a zip file.

So you walk the aisles, find some memories you need to relieve yourself of (in order to make space). Give it a name if you haven’t done so. Scoop it all up (the memories) and squeeze them in a book, or a file. Close the book or seal the file, or envelope and walk to the archive room. Hear your footsteps. Smell the surroundings. This disconnects the memories and sees them as independent and removable. Now banish the book / file to the slot or cabinet in the archive room.

Spend a long time in this fantasy. Repeat as necessary. Sometimes you find extra volumes of a book (memory) lying around in your library. “How did THAT get there?” … pack it up, bring it to archive and push it through the slot.

In High School , I did this, but also a more brutal approach. I told my subconscious to compress and store all unimportant memories. This was the ultimate order beyond the ‘archive’ exercise.

It worked so well, that I don’t remember many of my old classmates, teachers, neighbors… but I can play guitar and program computers! (I should have been more specific in my command, but that’s what I thought I wanted at the time.)

It worked marvels for me. Perhaps it may serve you.

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That’s really interesting but why do you archive or compress? Why don’t you simply delete? I don’t understand.

I don’t delete because I don’t want to fight the nature of my brain.

Our brains and memory has evolved over thousands of years.

So instead of fighting my nature, I say “FINE! … just make the thoughts harder to get to and get them out of my face”.

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Obviously if you prefer a more magicky approach you can convert the whole concept of library, archive and file into a simple banishing ritual.

There is an elegance in the library approach.

I’m sorry you have had to deal with so much shit. I actually wish there was a way to delete stuff. We can bury it in a manner that it doesn’t lead to negative side effects however. Everybody knows straight out denial doesn’t work either. So work with your brain and not against it.

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I’m interested in the banishing ritual as well but I really want the events permanently deleted. I’m sure there must be a way to permanently delete things from your subconscious mind. I really can’t afford not to have them permanently deleted because I have a LOT of enemies and they bring back past trauma from my subconscious. Things that I had completely forgotten, they bring them back… So I want the memories gone forever so that no one can ever bring them back to hurt me. Bad entities etc browse your mind to find a trauma that they can use as a weapon against you. If there’s no more trauma to be found in my memory then they’ll have no more weapon and I’ll finally be safe. Also I really don’t think that our mind must be a garbage bin.

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Fair enough. I’m sure there are techniques. The goetic / demonic approach would go something like this:

Self-hypnosis and command of the subconscious are the weapons you must wield.

Fire burns, water dissolves. Pick your element.

Fashion an oration that suits your purpose.
Unload all your undesired memories onto paper, write it all out in short “spelly” manner.

"Thomas B., asshole of all assholes, he who caused me so much pain … insert more … banished to the flame … in the name of "

You can flush it down the toilet too in the end if you choose water.

Bind your paper into a scroll.
Find an appropriate spirit for your purpose that you can evoke (partial evocation is fine).
Evoke. Give it a shot!
Make your intent known.
Make your promise of an offering. (You gonna eat a nice juicy apple and savour the hell out of it for him? Spread the word about the spirit? What is your sacrifice? How will you earn this?)
Read your oration.
Destroy the scroll. Light it on fire (safely. Metal can is a good idea) or rip it and flush it.
Thank the spirit. Blow out the candle. Boom. You are done.

In a few days once you feel a change, evoke the spirit again, and make your offering or thank it. You may want to thank it in advance since the whole point is to forget.

It is going to be a long process with lots of repetitions. Keep at it.


Memories can definetly be suppressed by the mind. I had a traumatic childhood experience come back in my mind during highschool and a great deal of my issues stem from it. I’m glad I remember it but talk about a rough way of having it recalled.

if you want a spirit that is a master of mind erasure and are open to the idea of working with mainstream egregores, Jade Beleren, the mind sculptor, is a good shot.

@Nagathex I’ve googled jade berelen but I find no info at all. How can I work with a spirit if I know nothing about him?

@fratermagni you still remember about the event apparently so how was it deleted?

@rahnoren thank you! Even though it seems more like a banishing from your life than a banishing from your mind. And I’m not for recalling or having to write events you want to forget about because the very fact of glancing at them maintains them alive.

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@Lola I regained my memory back when I was in highschool. It occurred when I was eight and somehow it just came back one day very clearly and vividly.

it was supposed to be jace not jade my keyboard fucked up.

Oh… Then it was never truly erased, it was just hidden in your subconscious mind. Exactly the same happens to me, this is why I specify that I want events permanently erased in an irreversible way.

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I would advise against it but I do understand where your coming from. Talk to Odin. He can help with memories and dealing with them. Maybe he can teach you a way to clear your “hard drive”.

I see that’s a game character. It’s not that I’m not open to work with them, it’s just that I don’t understand how that is possible…

Why would you be against it?

chaos magick. everything does and doesn’t exist all at once. itd be no different than working with Azathoth except Azathoth is stronger of course. now that i think about it cthulhu might be helpful.

Yes but in order for something to become an egregore doesn’t it need a certain amount of people to believe it’s real? Who believes that a game character is real?

no, it needs recognition. and many know jace.