Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

I adore King Paimon! On Friday there was a nasty situation at work, but after calling on great King Paimon to help me–as of Monday nearly everything has been resolved and I’ve ended up getting a wonderful office spot with a window (which is rare in our office)!
Hail King Paimon—YOU ARE GLORIOUS! My respect and honour of You runs deeper than infinity…


Thank you, Samael the Black, for making a deal with me to halt the execution of a curse set on my parents including their descendants (as in me, my children, my siblings) by an experienced Magician who is now deceased. Samael the Black has a unique power over psychic communications. No amount of bathing, salt, lemon, rose petals, burning bay, blood, urine witch bottles, charcoal, voodoo dolls, or sage would have made the slightest impact on his execution of his job. Every time I would start to get the hang of something psychic, he moved in to fulfill the curse and everything would just quit working, just evaporate. (Lots of life starts and fails, too, for every family member, for over 50 years. Everyone is ruined.)

When I first started working out my deal with Samael the Black, he nearly manifested right behind me (watching over my shoulder while I played with my cards). He felt remarkably dense, observant, very calm, and driven. He also gave me intense clairsentience vibrations (not that way). He did say his ability to initiate one in the use of psychic powers is one of his strongest talents.

I have more to tell about Samael the Black, but will post that elsewhere (probably blog).


Also, with respect to dealing with a long standing, family curse:

Thanks to Haures (Flauros) for likely rooting out the curse executioner.

Thanks to Shalim (Set, Sitri) for initiating my conversation with Samael the Black.

Thanks to Freyr for his easygoing ways that lead me to make alliances.

Thanks to Asthara for reminding me to use my hands.


Thanking Metatron for clarity and the light of new creations! :sparkling_heart: May All be blessed with unconditional love and peace!!! :boom::revolving_hearts:


I bow my head to President Buer!
You has been an amazing help with my two herniated disc’s and the pain that comes with it.
You also was the first evocation for me that really worked so I really appreciate it.
Thanks dude I’ll be back soon with some goodies as a proper thanks!


Look forward to reading it

Thank you Marbas, u r The man!!!


I would like to thank the rainbow serpent Quetzocotal because I have been sensing this spirit lately in meditation sessions :rainbow: :dragon:


Lucifer, thank you for being so patient and kind for me - even in times that I don’t act the best…
You’re so beautiful, so many responsabilities in your shoulders and you have the time to care for me, I’m thankful for your teachings, your lessons, your time and your attention, I’m thankful for the blessings you sent in my life, how I feel better about myself and life with you
You’re the best, you know it

Tonight I dedicate this song for you

Thank you Beelzebub, Belial, Leraje and Glasya-Labolas.


Thank you, Acheron, Angel of Influence! You brought many people to my friend’s play as requested and fulfilled the task so well! May others in need call upon your power!

Hail, Acheron!


Thank you Belial for getting me off that traffic thing earlier, you are AWESOME!!! :kiss:


I want to thank the spirits for helping me see past illusion


Thank you J.S Garrett and J.A Ragnarson.


Hail Belial! Thanks to you for all you do in my life and thanks to you for your guidance.

My love and admiration are yours, oh patron


Thank you Glasya-labolas. I’ve been evoking him before divination, while it’s not expressly in his job description I believe, he is reputed to know all things past, present and future. Four readings I’ve done in a row seem to have been accurate, and with a medium I’ve struggled with over the years, at least for myself. Thank you again, Glasya-labolas!


I would like to show my thanks and appreciation to all of the following spirits. Each and every single one came through for me and delivered what i asked for through perfectly timed synchronicity.

Belial made me more fearless and aggressive, and eager to take charge of my self and my life. Unlocked my inner power.

Admodai made me a better fighter with more technical skill. I learn how to control my body better each day and learn new martial arts skills each day too.

Gremori brought material gifts that i will definitely keep and use. Everything i was given should last me a very very long time and has serves multiple purposes.

Bime brought me cash out of the blue and opened up pathways for me to earn extra cash each month in a side career that i will enjoy.

Vine improved my magickal powers and abilities. I saw my will being influenced in my world faster than ever before. Really really fast manifestations.

King Paimon improved my occult practises last year, and i have only been growing stronger since. He also revived my love for writing music and my songwriting gets better and flows more naturally.

Sitri and Beleth both sparked desire in a girl i liked, she expressed desire for me on multiple occasions. There is no mistaking how effective these two can be.

Zepar brought opportunities for casual sex into my life. I am very happy.

Sallos brought opportunities for long term relationships into my life. I am very happy.

I have several options and choices and these spirits are amazing at what they can achieve.

Andrealphus gave me my most intense memoriable lucid dream that i can ever remember. I learned so much from this.

Every single spirit i have mentioned are powerful and i will definitely work with them again. I reccomend you to do the same.


Thank you Duchess Bune for continual increased monetary flow and for exciting new seeds being planted.

Thank you Lilith for your wisdom and assistance.

Thank you Lucifer for everything.


Thank you, Lucifer. I’ve just started working with him. And already I can feel much more positive things happening in my life. I know everything is going to work out with his guidance and help. And protection. I didnt even ask and he seems to be keeping me safe from my boyfriend and maybe even fixing his mental issues. My magick is even getting stronger. So super thanks to Lucifer. Definitely.


First time working with intranquil spirits, and would like to say thank you for all their help and assistance… Way beyond my expectations. Thank you

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