Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

I wanna give thanks and acknowledgement to Duke Dantalion for assisting me to sway a certain someone at my job, didn’t work out exactly as I planned but I did see results. Promised him some tequila and a public post thanking him. Hail Dantalion!


I want to give some public thanks to Duke Sargatanas. He’s helped in a variety of areas (i.e. Astral projection, reawakening additional senses, general guidance) and is still helping in more areas as we go. I highly recommend working with him.


Thank you to the angel Muriel. Felt the opening to genuine kindness.


I want to say an infinite thank you to the law breaker and smasher the almighty king and God of destruction and miracle bringer the one and only belial!!!
For trashing all the barriers and blocking when I was really on bottomless pit and you just pulled me out of there after a long month of the dark night of the soul which came to its peak last night…
I had a law problem,all doors almost closed for me because somebody wanted to play the sheriff and viciously haunted me like an animal and you belial came to me through time and space and blasted a breakthrough,Right in their faces.
Thank you belia infinite times for bringing me the miracle after I freaked out,nothing seem to go right
And you just smashed all the closed doors to pieces,
I will never forget the lesson that you teaching me today.not to fear and go bravely
that if I want something I just need to do the inner work and victory shall be mine.
When I walked to place to get what I needed the fears screamed in my head I almost gave up,but you showed me in the way to there that all is gonna be fine.
And you were right,I walked and stopped my brain and heart were full of fear,you were giving me signs to go on and when I realised that maybe it’s a test and gave up fear I felt for a sec like I’m moving to another dimension and everything was going in slow motion,
And I gone to the place and thank to you went victorious,and found out that all the fears and doubts were just a big lie!!!
I was and am so happy and more courageous,self confident and full of faith.
Fear is an illusion and I had to learnt it,and I thank you endlessly and infinitely for that my dearest belial!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:
I will never forget it and if you’ll need me I’m here my dear,sweet,and the bringer of courage!!!:dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon::dragon:
Love ya big guy and infinite and endlessly thank you’s!!!there is no love like you’re love!!!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
Praise belial!!!


Thanks Belial for helping instantly with lower back pain. I had not thought of Belial as the healer type. Usually, many think of Archangel Raphael, Marbas, Buer. But each time in the past couple weeks or so when I focused on his sigil, I felt immediate tingling energy go to my lower back and also other parts of my body where I had some aches and pain. And my left lower back was hurting more than my right lower back tonight—and that’s where the comforting, tingling energy seemed focused on the most. I asked what kind of offering might be best and I felt guided to post here. (I haven’t really focused that much on Belial before, although I did buy a large bottle of Makers Mark to leave on my eclectic spiritual altar for him maybe a little less than a year ago. I didn’t really feel any vibes or notice any signs at that time if my offering then was appreciated or not).


When you give Lucifuge 3 months to prove it and he proves it in less than 3 weeks.

Ummm… thank you Lucifuge :heart:
I :sparkling_heart: U!!!

P.S. so far your right about the book too, I’m still in babysteps though :blush:


Thank you so much to Queen Beleth!!! You’re energy is so gentle and motherly. I can’t believe how fast you are working. You’re kindness and wisdom is appreciated and I’m grateful and HUMBLED. I am just in awe, forever grateful Queen…wow. I had the deepest most humble conversation ever with my target and see him in a different light now. 22 years of history and a 2 yr old son, and he’s been a clam, never opening up to me the way I wanted him to. I asked for this earlier this evening and you said it will happen, he will open up…he called me out of the blue an hr later and just wow…Niagara Falls with his emotions and feelings…we needed this. For each other and our son.

Thank you Queen Beleth, I am loving the things you are showing me!!!

King Paimon, you always wave me off when I say I love you, but hey…I love you. I’m humbled at the opportunity you and King Belial have given to me. It will change my life and I want to thank the both of you for pushing me to do this. I’m seriously flattered. I’m excited, scared, anxious…but ready. It will be a new beginning in my career and I’m so ready for it!!!


I’d like to personally thank Marbas for his help during these past 3 months. I had asked him to help my girlfriend be cured of cancer, and now 3 months later, the cancer is dying fast and she’s doing great. Hail to you Marbas!!!


Thank you for the VERY CLEAR warning last night, Marquis Leraje. I know.


Thonc fori thine blodinge…


Thank you, Prince Sitri. Sorry for dozing off, I am a tired little bird after all :zzz:


Asmodeus, I truly have no idea what it is you see in me (not to belittle myself, I’m great, just don’t know what part of me makes me stick out), but thank you for always looking after me so much. It’s bizarre, but it’s undeniable. First you and Paimon kicked off that beautiful miracle in June, and now… While my lighter CONVENIENTLY not being able to work and my candles CONVENIENTLY not being able to light might be frustrating to me, I appreciate it immensely that you’re working with me to help me stop obsessing so much. I am grateful for your guidance. :black_heart::candle::new_moon:


KALTEMTAL- thank you. You are a very powerful demon of darkness and domination, and yet you have illuminated all of the darkness in various areas of my perception and relationships. It would be more my style to lift fog rather than create it, you’re right, and that is a power in itself, yes. Thank you for illustrating to me how to intensify my thoughts and imagination.


Thank you Belial!! Hail Belial!! I recently worked with this powerful and mighty Goetia spirit for a love matter. I asked Belial to destroy any limiting thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and distractions that the target has towards dating and loving me, so that the target is dating and loving only me. Within 1 week the target reached out and invited me on a romantic date. I am extremely thankful for Belial’s work and highly suggest working with Belial. Thank you again Belial! This matter is very important to me. Hail Belial!


Thank you Orias!! Hail Orias! I recently worked with the Goetia spirit Orias on a very important love matter. I asked Orias to make sure the target happily invited me and took me on a romantic date. The target invited me and took me out on a date within 7 days from doing the ritual. I am extremely appreciative of these fast and powerful results. I highly suggest working with this powerful demon, he is great for mind control and controlling others. Thank you again Orias!! Hail Orias!!


Thank you to the forces that be for everything. Thank you Belial, King Paimon, Claunek and Bune.

Thank you Kali, Ganesha, Laxshmi and Chinnmasta for everything.

Hail to the Aesir and Vanir. Hail to the Ancestors. Hail to the spirits of the land. Hail to the forces of nature and the universe.

Thank you universe for this abundance, I’m ready for more.




Thank you Saint Expedite for coming through in my academics. I’m very grateful!


Thanks again, King Asmoday, for helping me randomly have way more confidence driving than I usually do. Yes, yes, I know, I’m an absurdly late bloomer for learning to drive (I’m 18, had my learner’s permit since I was 15), but at least I’m doing it now. Hail Asmoday :black_heart:.


If you consider tulpas as spirits, I’d like to thank mine-Jiub for keeping my headspace clear and keeping me with my eyes on the prize so to say