Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

This will be a bit of a list
Thank you __________ for showing me the way. For reminding me for who I am. This particular entity knows I’m talking to them.
Thank you nyaralethotep for revealing my true path.
Thank you azathoth for destroying that which does not serve me. Thank you for your wisdom and assistance
Thank you yog sothoth for your input and knowledge.
Thank you great Cthulhu for your pathworking and knowledge.
I look forward to meeting and working ​with all of the old ones
Thank you Lucifer for your pact and protection. Love you as always
Thank you naamah and Lilith for helping me in shadow work and showing me I’m just as important as my practice
Thank you Hecate for your protection, patience and wisdom and healing
Thank you gadreel for your teachings. I look forward to learning more
Thank you Grey’s for showing me the secrets
Thank you to what might’ve been Azazel for telling me what you told me


thank you Belial,i did a ritual yesterday exactly 8 hours ago and i went to my work today,while in the bus 2 persons was assaulting and stealing people in the bus,i was listening music and with my cel phone in hands,nothing happened with me,they even saw my cel phone,they looked at me,funny that in the moment that i saw them entering the bus i felt that they were gonna do something as i felt something different,like a warning,but i kept doing what i was doing.
a lot of people were robbed,i saw some of the people crying desperate,well thank you great Belial,hope you enjoy the good wine that we drank yesterday.
thats it =)

ill continue the rituals daily until the end of the year as i am feeling too much attracted by the great King.

fuck yeah!=)


I also want to thank the mighty Archangel Raguel. Gave me peace, strength and comfort in tumultuous environments. I don’t know where I would’ve been without you.


I need to give a HUGE thank YOU to Belial. I don’t think I would have won the lawsuit which changed my life without his help. I know Belial, Lucifuge and Azazel were instrumental in my success and I wanted to publicly thank them!
All Hail!


I also would like to thank the spirits, especially King Paimon, Papa Legba, Nitika, Azazel and others for helping me through this stressful time. I’m being evicted from my apartment soon and it’s been a long drawn-out dispute between my petty landlord and me. My roommates are moving on, abandoning me. I have nowhere to go and a negative bank account. Creditors and my bank are calling me from strange numbers every day. At least I’m starting a new job soon. Better late than never!

I have continued to embrace the LHP. Trying to be the nice guy has put me into a fucked situation yet again. No more! I was never afraid of the dark. I embrace darkness! I embrace my dark side!

I know with the spirits as my guide, I will eventually succeed. People ask me, how do I stay positive during such negative circumstances? I tell them this:

The electric current originates from the NEGATIVE part of the battery, not the positive.

Put another way: If you test positive for a disease like HIV that’s a BAD thing. If you TEST NEGATIVE, that’s a good thing!

Ayn Rand’s philosophy is to be selfish. That’s how you succeed in life. The assholes ALWAYS win. Just ask President Trump!

I thank the spirits and ask for their continued support. Peace and blessings!


90% of the people I know are both losers and assholes so that statement by my measurements is incorrect. I think the root of the philosophy is one in self empowerment. Marcus Tillius Cicero Roman philosopher senator and statesman mentioned six mistakes mankind makes time and time again. One of which is believing one can prosper by crushing another. Now what helped Trump secure a successful election has less to do with him being an asshole and more to do with self confidence and a can do attitude rather than a victim mentality which is the entire energy covered by the Clinton side. She cared to those who felt victimized and there are many in the country that do. So she had a large portion but you see… Victims don’t win. That’s why they are victims because they live feel and behave in that energy stream and so for them no matter how close they get in the end they lose and feel victimized again. Trump was in the energy of victory and being in that energy of victory created his reality. He told everyone he was a winner and that he knew he would win and he did. He was in that current and stayed there whereas Clinton was using the victim current and she stayed in it all the way to feeling cheated since she had the popular vote. I mean come on…how much more of victimization feelings could you have winning the popular vote but losing the election. The same thing happened to Al Gore and I remember it was the same feeling.
If you see yourself as a victim and live in that current you will manifest victimization on yourself. But if you live in the current of self determination and confidence you will be in the current of winning. This is one of those pieces of knowledge that if your parents could give it to you that is a privilege in reality.


Being self-confident and assertive can come off to some as being an asshole. (“You feel SO sure of yourself.”, “You think you’re all that.”, “You ain’t nobody!” etc.)

Yes, in a sense what Trump did was a very magickal act. And, it worked! And, there is a lot we can all learn from Trump.

I always try to intone the infamous mantra from Jesse Jackson: “I am somebody.” It sounds funny, but it actually works for me. Especially, when I embrace the “I AM” portion of the statement.

“I AM somebody.”

This is what I mean by “being selfish and an asshole”. Some dude I met when I stayed in a homeless shelter some years ago said, “Be careful who you call an asshole because we all have one.”

Being an asshole does not make you a “bad” person or means you have no morals. It just means you don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks.

I do my own thing, as long as I’m not harming anybody and/or breaking the law.

When you are in that mindset, you are experiencing TRUE freedom.

That is the true aim of the LHP. This is what Ayn Rand and Trump embodies in practice.


Who is John Galt? :wink:


what trump is doing is self preservation he’s realised the plan is bigger than him as they say u are either with us or against us Lucifer is always watching!.

Trumps a master salesman called pyscological inprinting if you tell people enough times something the subconscious inprints it! Then our conscious brain believes it ‘Epigenetics’


following the original idea of the thread i want to thank BELIAL…
FUCK,750 extra cash!

Thank you,hope to decimate more barriers with your help,great King.

well i just saw now that i won 750 extra cash…
lol,funny that i said to myself in the supermarket when i saw a expensive wine ( if i had the money i would buy this wine to give you ) expensive wine.


i would like to thank the shadow people of the void for helping silencing those idiots. helped a lot. and hell within the next day too…


Thankyou Lord Hermes for getting my phone back on when the Network in work was fucked up.

Also separate issue, Gods of the void Lord Horus, Queen of infinite space Lady Nuit and Mighty Hadit Satan. YEAHH!!!


adding this sentence because the forum is bossy as hell


i would like to thanks to Lucifer for being in my life, for Belial Which has been a great support and has helped me a lot, especially on legal issues!, to Lucifuge To get in my own way, to rediscover myself and to draw a solid path towards my success and happiness, to Luzam, My demon counselor and diviner, very close to Lucifer, for always being with me and helping me when I need it, To halathor, for advising me, helping me in business, and even helping me directly with wishes, Lukorst For giving me the opportunity to get ahead fast in something that I love, Raphael, who not only heals physical illnesses, but also emotional ones, And all the demons and entities I’ve contacted that are many more! Thanks and thanks BALG


well i won again,more money,small prize 30,00 small lotto,but could be 30,000 if i had paid for the whole ticket 1/10.

once again,thank you King Belial for take care of my finances)

i won today =)


I would like to give thanks the the Grand Duke Dantalion for always coming through for me. Working with Duke Dantalion has been a great experience, and I know that there will be many more experiences to come.
Thank you!


i would like to thank Belial and also encourage more people to seek him if you feel prepared to reshape your life and burn all your weakness.

and conquer all.


Thank you, my dear Old Man, for paving the way to a promotion for me. You are a wonderful being, and I will make an altar for you at my new desk. You have taught me so much, and protected me from foolishness many times. My love and affection is with you, no matter how grumpy You are, revered kami of the Rockies foothills.


Much gratitude sister Hekate

<3 You are my glitter in the dark


I want to thank Asmodeous! I KNOW It was him you brought me my hearts desire, and so quickly, I had no time to react!

I also thank Lilith and Lucifer, for their constant comfort and wisdom on the same subject. And all the little spirits behind the scenes who may have helped without my knowledge. Thank you all!