Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

Big shout out to my Patron the Great Prince Orobas

Thank you for all the guidance and protection you give me. Thank you for all your help and thank you for always putting out the fires I start. Thank you for the dignity, respect and esteem you enable me to enjoy.

Truly you’re my best friend and closest ally.

You have my undying respect and gratitude

Mike B


Thank you Astaroth & Lucifer for removing my urge to binge today!


Well looks like seere gave me both what I wanted and needed. :scream: Wow.


Thank you King Paimon and King Belial for helping me on short notice, in an emergency without formally calling you, in the middle of the night and helping my daughter with her skin issue.

Even though this is not your direct office you heard my call and delivered within 30 mins.

Thank you for everything, I’m truly Grateful for your help.

Hail King Paimon you’re truly the best Patron i could’ve asked for.
Hail King Belial


Thank you Astaroth for giving me strength during this time. Thank you Lucifer for your protection.


Thank you to Dagulez for making me appear younger. Someone mistook me for two decades younger again today! :laughing: Hail Beezlebub for giving me old world beauty, so all the guys think I’m from Paris. :heart:


Hail Queen Beleth

Thank you for attending my ceremony and thank you for your work on my charge.

You have my gratitude and respect

Mike B


Duchess Bime,

You manifested in the life of my friend exactly as I asked you to. He got a job! You did excellent work as you always do and the speed that you did this at was perfect.

You have my gratitude and thanks and deep respect.

Mike B


Thank you very much Duchess Bime. You have my appreciation and gratitude and respect.
Thank you very much Prince Ipos for your protection and help.
Thank you very much Lucifer for the help and lifeline.
Thank you very much Archangel Michael, for your protection and help.
Thank you very much Holy Spirit, you also have my gratitude, appreciation and respect.


Thank you Prince Ipos for a Fantastic Evocation and practice on my clairs. Today was a day of advancement and thank you for pushing me through to the “next stage”.

You have my Respect and Gratitude.

Hail Prince Ipos.


Thank you, Goddess Astarte, for attending my call. For mak8ng yourself felt, for recieving your gifts and for agreeing to help w a friend’s request.

Hail Astarte!


Here I want to thank Mighty Duchess Gremory for getting my lost phone back to me within less than 24 hours. I didn’t even perform evoction, just chanted her enn several times, created her image in my mind and asked to get it back to me. Glory be unto Thee, O Duchess Gremory!


Thank you to Lucifer and Belial, for giving me strength when I’m down

And thank you to my friend Satan, for reminding me of my strength when this world gets me down


Hello, I want to thank King Paimon. A person that I love was deeply depressed, he didn’t want to live, nothing could make him feel alright, until I asked King Paimon for help and I still can’t believe how fast he changed this person, now he is happy, he accepted to go to therapy and has many projects, and, moreover, King Paimon gave me many signs, clear signs that he was assisting me. He is a tremendously strong spirit.
Hail Paimon!


Hail Dantalion

Thank you for attending my evocation and especially for staying on after to talk to me.

Respect and Gratitude

Mike B


Public thanks to King Ba’al. Wonderful spirit to work with for money. I got a big sum of money in less than a week. A lot more is programmed between us.

Hail King Ba’al


Big thanks to Bastet frfr! I thought i wasn’t getting this job for sure because I failed the drug test 3 times, but for some miraculous reason they still let me have it lol. I asked Bastet for a way to get money thinking for sure i didn’t get this Job and literally 1 minute after i get a text saying i start on sunday. I can’t believe it. Bastet is my hero im her biggest fanboy forever no kizzy!


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Thank you Lucifer, for showing me what I asked and wanted to see. Seeing my issue clearer helps me understand how to move forward and let that part of me go.:heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thank you for the great King paimon, for the great experience❤️