Meeting up with someone in shared lucid dream

Hello so Ive got a bit of a weird question Is it possible to say create a dream/dream realm where you can meet and talk with people whilst being fully lucid where whenever you fall asleep you return to the same dream this is purely hypotheticall any input would be appreciated

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There is a way to enter someone’s dream, this is called ‘dreamwalking’


My mother has told me a number of times that my father used to do this when he was young. His mother was a medium of some renown in her day and he took an interest in such things. He and a friend conducted experiments where they would try to meet in a dream state and in the dream agree on a time and a place to meet the following day. According to my mother, they were often successful.
Exactly how they achieved this, I am not sure.




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Probably want to work on being able to become lucid in any dream first. From there you can instruct yourself to go anywhere, including into other people’s astral spaces where they are dreaming.

I would suggest creating the astral location the same way people create astral temples while in waking trance state first, as the lucid dreaming state can be very fleeting and if you get distracted the state stops. Then when in lucid dreaming, instruct yourself to go to your previously created astral space.

Re having people there, as I assume you mean humans? If you have created the space, it’s unlikely that other people know its there to visit you, but you can invite them in he dream or in person. Or just visit spaces where people already are. Members on here do things like visit the various heavens and underworlds, as those tend to have a concentration of spirits that are either dreaming humans or spirits that still feel and appear as human for their own reasons.

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I will ask this here under the topic of Lucid dreaming- Mulberry did you ever know of anyone who could induce a trance state which was equivalent to a waking Lucid dream?

Because I remember some Lucid dreams, I remember the sense of fully conscious immersion in the surroundings, like being awake. Have you or have you known anyone able to invoke that level of immersion in either fantasy or the astral while remaining in a waking or semi-awake state?

Lots of people, this is a natural result of continues meditation using visualisation, you see it reliably trained for the most in Remove Viewers (see Lyn Buchannan, Ingo Swann) and the work of Michael Raduga. I think the Monroe Institute courses are also very good. Your main tool is really just practice, lots of daily practice for a years or more, but how long it takes depends on the person.

We put links to Michael Raduga’s free youtube seminar in the Developing Astra senses tutorial collections thread.

These are long but very worth it, as he’s the only person I’ve seen that gets into detailed tips for navigating in the sate and staying in it.


Yes it’s possible, I do it sometimes. The key is relaxation, when you are extremely relaxed, the fully consciousness happen. To do it: enter into a state of lucid dreaming, check your surroundings then get out the dream but don’t open your eyes, breath slowly as if you are trying to sleep again, when you enter the lucid dream, check your surroundings, it will be more clear than the 1st one, get out again, repeat the process. The 3rd lucid dream will be so perfectly clear that you won’t even know if you are in a dream or fully awake. This is the technique I learnt when my lucid dreaming was blurred and not clear at all.

When you get out of the lucid dream, you will feel like your body is awake, and you are not relaxed enough and you will be tempted to open your eyes and say I messed up… but no actually it’s your mind that’s tricking you. Keep your eyes open and your breathing calm.
If you can’t re-enter again the state, visualise your are falling from a cliff, several times. It will induce the trans state

Are you referring to the hypnotic super-somnambulistic state?

I heard @the_magician / @Fool / @emperor talking about it, here on the forum.

I mean consciously invoking the state of lucid dreaming in a waking consciousness as an overlay to reality.

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Where a person will walk, talk or do complex actions while asleep. If we see it historically, it refers to a hypnotic phase in which the individual in a deep trance may appear to be awake and in control of his or her actions.

It is possible. I’ve practiced lucid dreming for a long time, and I do this frequently, however, I am still not successful every time, but I don’t think I’d really want to be because it would take away from spontaneous dreams and all the meaning behind them, I feel.