MEET-UPS by States

If you check out the magick group there on meetup, it’s not like us. They are more different focus.

Las Vegas, NV…

Southern CA

Not sure if this is a good idea. Someone on here may be a crazy person. Ie myself.


Buena Park CA here.

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I’m from Mesa AZ

I’ll take your crazy and raise you 2 more crazy. lol It’s still better than the fake people in real life. =o)

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Well, if anyone’s interested, they can meet me in Newark New Jersey.

CLARKSVILLE TENNESSEE- 20 miles from the Kentucky border- we need meet-ups, solitary I get— but there is nothing wrong with networking~~!! hit me up !!



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I understand being a solitary practitioner. But I feel like there’s also strength in numbers. If you need an especially big push, it might be beneficial to have help.

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I’ve seen mostly people in Jersey post to these types of introductions, however I dont think they all reply to the same thread

I’m in Portland, Oregon and have been looking for something in my area. I would love to get together with others on this path.


Arkansas Hotsprings!! HMU

I’ve thought about this for awhile and it’s not a good idea to get meetups popularized for magick users. Society isn’t open to it and it may make the meet up group a target. It’s like putting a target sign on your back saying. ‘here i am’. Take your best shot. You would lose your credibility if you were going to be very successful person in life/business. It’s best kept a secret that you are involve in occult magick. I’m sure there are modern day magick witch hunters. They will do baneful magick on the meetup group if it is famous.


I live exactly an hours drive from you.

Small world.

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The Temple of Ascending Flame is in Portland. I just read on their website they meet up sometimes

Thank you.

Hey thank you for the info, I’ll check them out.

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There’s a few of us in the Midwest region and definitely going to have to have a get together of some sort. Hey @Jinee_Vulpes we got another one! So that’s @Astral13 myself 4 so far! And I think @dagar is probably down to make a drive.


Someday, I will join.