Meditation techniques

quick question regarding meditation do you prefer eyes closed or open? using mantra binaural beats music or silence?

for me I prefer eyes open with music on so I can just clear my mind quickly.


if I close my eyes I sleep with no music my mind chatters…

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Oo the whole eyes open vs closed is weird for me. Sometimes I’ll be meditating and those shots will decide to open themself tf up. I probably look like a psycho lmao but I just let it happen. Then they close naturally on their own.
With the music… sometimes I’ll set the mood with a song in the beginning and then meditate on that sort of energy? I guess? And then turn it off to Fully clear my mind.


also love using ASMR with headphones full volume or pure black metal depending on my mood sometimes I use chants and flute music…

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you’d be surprised how calming black metal can be…


my eyes roll around in the back of my head and my arms flap around like tentacles sometimes it’s weird…


I meditate with my eyes closed in silence. I only do mantras when I’m doing chakra work.

But, I do like to lie down on my back because it’s the most comfortable my body can be without falling asleep. (I can never fall asleep on my back.)


I alternate, particularly when I’m sure that I’ll be alone I close my eyes, even if probably it wouldn’t be an issue to be seen meditating.
Mantra, binaural and music are aids as well as concentration objects, ASMR… I just found out about it and searched for magical/spiritual versions. A path may also be followed, one would begin meditating with open eyes then close them when ready (or the opposite if it’s easier to concentrate while eyes are closed), same with music etc.


I need absolute silence and wear earplugs to get it.
Usually, I lay down and keep my eyes closed. If I need to focus on an object then I yoga sit and light a candle.


I alternate between music no music eyes closed eyes open then I might do the blue Rey meditation. Now I Wanna try meditation under water. I get bored if I stick to the same meditation, if I think of trying something new it gets me excited to meditate


i do meditation with closed eyes and in silence. Sometimes i like to use binaural beats too.


Sometimes I do meditations in my bath or shower and let the water mix with the music vibes. It’s very soothing. Other times I’ll position myself under the water so that the water rushes down my ears and all I can hear is myself and the rushing water :ok_hand: