Meditation poses

Does anyone have a better “sitting method” besides half lotus and full lotus OR does anyone know how to prevent those positions from getting painful after sitting in one of them for an extended amount of time.

I roughly do about like 2hr 30min - 3 hours of meditation a day so my legs start to get tight and have mini cramps after a bit so it’s hard to sit in lotus for a long time…

I know that laying on my back is always an option but if I do that- I’ll fall asleep which defeats the whole purpose.


Just sit cross legged, the point is to be comfortable at the end.

Sit on a chair or sofa?
Sit in modified cross legged with both legs flat on the ground
Meditate over several sessions with time to get up and walk around in between.


The God posture, named so because it is how Egyptian gods are depicted in statues.

Sit on a chair, back straight, palms down on the thighs. It comfortable and can be held for long periods of time.


I wouldn’t say it’s where I sit. My bad is comfortable and my back is upright.

I try not to take breaks because I’m not that disciplined and I get distracted easily so I’m unsure if I can do that

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I’ll look it up when I get home- thanks

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

My legs fall asleep if I sit crossed legged longer than 20 minutes so that is what I use.


If your trying to master the asanas of lotus and half lotus remember to stretch before hand. Also 2+ hours of meditation isnt really necessary in my experience. Now 1-4 hours of active ritual or neigong is a whole other thing which can involve the various asanas in various practice but the mastery of them is a discipline in itself. One that is not easy


I know that’s a bit much to some but that’s really all I do for magic related things in my day😌

Theta waves, chakra work and a psychic sense practice.

It’s really not a lot.

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Actually all of those are types of neigong. Neigong means internal work. Ya wanna make sure ya have a practice to energetically ground yourself also so ya don’t short out.

You’re flying like way over my head rn but I’m gonna take your word for it

This covers some of the types of energy work.
Neigong is internal energy work. The energy work done in ritual or ceremonial magick ia another type know as shengong.


I posted a set qigong exercises from the same guy if you want to explore those. They are less work intensive than some ceremonial practices but pack just as much punch result wise. His includes a grounding routine.

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