Meditation, Mental Chatter, And A 7-Day Challenge - Who's In? ☼ September 2020 Round 2!

Do the best you can, but it doesn’t have to be perfect, especially to begin with.

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Day 6

Timeslot - 20 min

Location - room, sitting chair

Environment - daytime, faint noise of people talking outside.

Notes - my muscle tenses up less now

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Day 7 (Final)

I honestly wasn’t feeling 100% today not only that but I kept getting interrupted, so I ended up meditating a little later.

Timeslot - 20 min.

Location - room, sitting chair.

Environment - daytime.

Notes - My left ear started to ring heavly and caught me off guard a little bit.

Ill definitly give this a whirl as I too will hop in on this as I am not strict with my meditation and need to be.

I just got called out in a meeting for laughing out loud at this. Thanks for getting me in trouble lol.

Day 1:
Location: Office Chair, quiet room with surrounding misc noises
Time: 3m
Nothing unusual, I just try to focus on breathing and at the end, I have some tingly feeling some slight pressure on the back of my eyes, I had actually held my breath randomly but my mind distracts me all the time with lots of inner noises, but somehow I had done the Day 1.

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Day 2:
Location: Home bed, quiet room with outside surrounding misc noises
Time: 3m
Nothing unusual, I just try to focus on breathing, my mind distracts me all the time with lots of inner noises.

Day 3:
Location: Home bed, quiet room with outside surrounding misc noises
Time: 3m
Nothing unusual, I just try to focus on breathing and try to holding my breath as much as i can, my mind distracts me all the time.