Meditation for increasing anger, hatred and strenght?

Hatred and love are two opposites of the same coin for me. I need to get into a fight soon, a physical one nonetheless. So i want to know if there’s any kind of meditation to INCREASE, CONCENTRATE, COMPRESSED & FOCUSED my anger, hatred and rage. I need those things in a fight, a COMPOSED one to use on specific target, not just rabid rage that burns everyone around me in a burning flame. It helps that my “affinity” element is FIRE, which is the symbol of life and destruction.

Thank you in advance.

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I’ve got a ritual here that can do this.

This ritual has caused me to experience rage and hatred to extremes that I never even imagined were possible while controlling the emotions. There’s more to the ritual than just rage and hatred, but in that part of the ritual you can visualize the individual you are going to fight. I suggest doing the entire ritual.


I don’t have too much advice to give on a practical level. But, from what you describe, it sounds like you may want to aim for channeling those emotions into a “flow” state. Anger, rage, hatred – any intense emotion – can make you feel dissociated from your body or out of control. I would wager that what you want is a constructive way to channel that energy into a flow state, i.e. an altered state.

But I suppose it depends what your intent is. If you want to win a fight, like a streetfight or a boxing match, I’d recommend flow state. If you want to have a massive screaming argument with someone and then cut contact with them forever, you’d probably be better off letting the emotions take over. Otherwise, you’d probably be better sublimating them into an altered state of consciousness where you are aware of, but free from those emotions.

Just off the top of my head I’d be recommending planetary energy (Mars, Ares). Or any entity who deals in war or strategy. Anger and hatred can be your reason to fight, but at a critical moment, you’d be better off losing the emotions to channel single-mindedly into your outcome, rather than letting the emotions consume you.

Unfortunately I don’t know a foolproof method of getting into flow state. Might help googling around or searching the forum.


Why not invoke Mars energy? It’s the planet of warfare.

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