Hi everyone . We’ve probably all read a lot about Telekinesis. Most sources agree that it’s possible but takes a lot of effort to see the first results. Having read about measuring magick, I was wondering what would be the most accessible ability that would have as immediate results as telekinesis.
Here are some things I’ve tried, honestly all without obvious success so far:
- TK on a psi wheel, a candle flame, incense smoke, a light-mill and a milligram-scales.
- Micro-TK on dice and a spinning top – forcing specific results
- Pyrokinesis on a candle, a match and even just a thermometer on a distance – raising the temperature
My problem is that it’s difficult for me to stay motivated when nothing at all happens, even though I feel the energy flow . I know that having patience is part of the process, but still. So my question is: which of these (or other things) do you think is the easiest and thus should be focussed on?
To pre-empt an objection: “Quit it and just do magick for what you actually care about”. Yes, that’s what I usually do. However, I still see a value in these abilities, not in themselves, not for clubbing the sceptics with them, but to know – to measure – which methods are best. The kind of energy work (or whatever) that successfully does TK will probably also be very good for fulfilling actually important wishes.
Edit: One other thing is of course, take a pendulum, take a sceptic and say “Ask me a yes-no-question that you know the answer to but I don’t”. They ask things like “Is my father older than my mother”, or “Did I finish reading [such and such book]” etc… Then divine the correct answer. Didn’t work very well for me.
Edit 2: Let me also share what does work for me in terms of making others see: When friends have questions about their lives that they actually care about, they say that my tarot readings have helped them a lot. Also, I have a long term enchantment on a friends motorcycles to keep him travelling safely, and he tells me that there have been some near-miraculous moments of avoided accidents . Similarly, I’ve supported friends through difficult exams, sometimes without their knowing, and I’ve received feedback like them having felt unexpectedly good etc. – however, the dogmatic sceptic will of course dismiss all such things as a mixture of chance and placebo .