Measuring Magick or making it Visible (e.g. Telekinesis)

Hi everyone :smiling_face:. We’ve probably all read a lot about Telekinesis. Most sources agree that it’s possible but takes a lot of effort to see the first results. Having read about measuring magick, I was wondering what would be the most accessible ability that would have as immediate results as telekinesis.

Here are some things I’ve tried, honestly all without obvious success so far:

  • TK on a psi wheel, a candle flame, incense smoke, a light-mill and a milligram-scales.
  • Micro-TK on dice and a spinning top – forcing specific results
  • Pyrokinesis on a candle, a match and even just a thermometer on a distance – raising the temperature

My problem is that it’s difficult for me to stay motivated when nothing at all happens, even though I feel the energy flow :star_struck:. I know that having patience is part of the process, but still. So my question is: which of these (or other things) do you think is the easiest and thus should be focussed on?

To pre-empt an objection: “Quit it and just do magick for what you actually care about”. Yes, that’s what I usually do. However, I still see a value in these abilities, not in themselves, not for clubbing the sceptics with them, but to know – to measure – which methods are best. The kind of energy work (or whatever) that successfully does TK will probably also be very good for fulfilling actually important wishes.

Edit: One other thing is of course, take a pendulum, take a sceptic and say “Ask me a yes-no-question that you know the answer to but I don’t”. They ask things like “Is my father older than my mother”, or “Did I finish reading [such and such book]” etc… Then divine the correct answer. Didn’t work very well for me.

Edit 2: Let me also share what does work for me in terms of making others see: When friends have questions about their lives that they actually care about, they say that my tarot readings have helped them a lot. Also, I have a long term enchantment on a friends motorcycles to keep him travelling safely, and he tells me that there have been some near-miraculous moments of avoided accidents . Similarly, I’ve supported friends through difficult exams, sometimes without their knowing, and I’ve received feedback like them having felt unexpectedly good :blush: etc. – however, the dogmatic sceptic will of course dismiss all such things as a mixture of chance and placebo :-1:.

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Telekinesis, immortality, levitation are abilities described within the pyramid text and it is apparent that these abilities act as powers or siddhis of an already deified soul, an akh. Strong meditation , stable mind and realized soul are the prerequisites for such practices.

To answer your question, I personally lean for the first option. The light mil sort of speaks to me lets per say.

I think is very good that you verify your magic and test yourself, my advice is to focus on the basics that is meditation which will open the pathways for your soul to further influence the world in more profound ways.

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i havent tried delving deeper into other such abilities like pyrokinesis and all the others but i did have a mind blowing experience with telekinesis using a psiwheel. took me about what felt like 5 hours to finally get the process down. ive only done it once and for some reason ive just not tried to get more familiar with it but it was nonetheless an eye opening experience for sure. also obviously as ive mentioned im no master of it im just stubborn and happened to get it to happen after hours of trying and failing but something i noticed is the internal process and how you exert your will has to be “true” to you i guess you could say. basically what i mean is for the longest i was trying to force my will on the object when im not a very forceful or aggressive person i had to learn to tackle it my own way with it being more of a mutual connection where things could flow easily. its hard to explain if you know you know but a saying that ive used that to me describes it perfectly is bruce lees be like water quote.

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