Meaning of Dream

Maybe you don’t need to let it go? If you can come to an understanding of it in a way that empowers you and comforts you that’s ok too :slight_smile:

If your faith was something that included unhealthy ideas like a strange cult worshiping a human and twisting esoteric ideas for narrow minded ends that harm you, then letting it go would be beneficial… but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case. There may be deeper meanings to the surface teachings that are still to be found that would help you on your way.

The older faiths often have deep teachings obscured after centuries of story telling, but if you dig far back in time and read the masters this can pull away the surface glamour and reveal what was actually being said, what was glossed over and what it really meant.


Thank you very much, truly it means a lot to me. I googled it and was able to find this topic which make sense to me and about my situation.
" The hardest part of the dark night of the soul is to face your shadow which contains the repressed parts of yourself such as your fears, desires, traumas, and beliefs. Behind the dark night of the soul is the treasure of the underworld. It is guarded by a dragon, but you must go into the belly of this beast. If you turn away it will slowly devour you.".

Any recommendation on Shadow work?

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I did a lot of mine before I came to BALG, although it’s something that is discussed often here:

For me, it’s pretty much about allowing yourself to introspect without judgement, without shutting yourself down. You can use music, journaling, art or just quietly think about things: why you react and think the way you do. What was the first time you reacted tat way, did someone show you that was what they did, like a parent so you do the same? Do you want to do the same: how do you want to be vs the way you are now? etc etc

It can take years of gentle work, or some things can hit you hard and you have to deal with them to function. An active energy clearing practice like tai chi or pranayama helps a lot: meditation with a purpose to balance your whole energy body is ideal. You can clear energy without having to experience the emotions tat caused it as well.


Amazing…never practiced that kind of cult and weird stuff, but not denying that worshipping human part made me think deep. . My faith was to believe in law of karma, do good to others, selfless acts, don’t wish/think harm to others. And believe in what you give you get back in return.

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I think here this has also been obscured. It is said in Hermetics that “Like attracts Like” and this seems to be very experientially borne out by most people. “If you want to know who a person is, look at his friends” etc.

So karma is not about being nice to random people or you’ll be punished, and it’s not that being mean to someone you don’t remember in a past life causes hardships in this one: these I feel are corruptions of the same underlying hermetical teaching, and therefore twisted and untrue, though they can and have been used by some for controlling others.

What you do have, when you learn energy working and can start to feel the energies for yourself, that there’s a thing called resonance. And this is part of how “like attracts like”: like a guitar string plucked makes the ones next to it vibrate, if you are negative you will make others negative around you and attract more negativity, if you stay positive you get the same. That doesn’t mean there aren’t negative people affecting you, it does mean you can control what that energy does, and you can use “discernment” to choose not to take that energy on. And after a point negative people and also negative astral entities stay away from you because that want more of the kinds of vibrations you don’t give off, so they just go get them elsewhere.

But taking that energy on and keeping it, well it can be stored at a spiritual level, and then you carry that attraction for that energy and your deep reactions to it into other lives, and that I feel is probably the idea behind karma between incarnations… but it’s just old energy and you can get rid of that, if you want, as well.

There’s more to it than just energy as well, which I’m just learning now, to do with how you interact with your subconscious, which itself is magickal and manifests your reality. It wants attention and can bring negative experience if you reward it for having negative experiences. Like a child it wants the reward good or bad. So living a good life and rewarding yourself (smile, laugh, feel good, bit of chocolate etc) for positive actions and never for negative ones (no comfort eating that makes it worse) also starts to make sure you surround yourself with what you want not what you don’t want.


Thank you very much for your insightful message and taking time to type all this to help me understanding.
I want to discuss more on this and learn,
But right now i have something big going on. Please send good energy, prayers or magic or whatever it takes to save my mom life who is in hospital right now. Thank you so much.


I need opinion on this…
They says God/Universe do everything, life and death is in his control. But yet they says suicide is a sin/crime. Does it mean when someone commit suicide that is also God/Universe plans and it’s already written in person fate?

But if things keep happening one after another and you don’t have any control on it?
I did invest a lot of time in meditation and i get to the point where i start seeing my sins and why things happened to me or why they are happening to me, whenever i needed guidance i hear voice from within to guide me. But then boom happened.

Well in my opinion you ARE god. We all are. We are god, or source, that manifested itself in order to experience. So there is no good or bad it’s all experience.

I think the anti suicide thing is a result of the biological drive to survive, the fear of death and the extreme sadness and suffering we feel at the loss of loved ones. It’s about us not the person suiciding.

The “will to survive” is incredibly strong, and it not only gets projected on to others, we have forgotten who we are so deeply that most people really think that when a loved one des they’re actually gone, gone. They have no way to talk to them between lives. We really suffer from loss like that. It’s sad even when you know where they’re going and that being human is temporary.
It feels to me like, it’s almost a rule of the planet, that the transition must be mourned, by someone.

Crime? Humans try to avoid pain so they clamp down and make laws and try to wish it away. This is dumb but understandable.

Sin? Well, what is sin? Is sin merely not doing what an organised religion told you to? I don’t think so… in this case sin is fake and only worth ignoring.

However, I think what sin can mean to the spiritual person, is “not hearing the guidance of the god within” and insisting on using free will to create disharmony from a place of ego consciousness, unaligned with your being. In that case, if the suicide is aligned with that inner voice and you as a living god finds it to be the right time or necessary, then it’s not a sin. If the suicide is from a place or deep pain that can be a valid choice, to escape this reality rather than allow or risk that energy from getting embedded into your subtle bodies, that is reasonable and also a valid experience. It’s a valid experience to not be aligned with the inner god too.
In very rare cases that someone suicides to ‘teach them a lesson’, which sounds kind of insane too, most of those cases are cries for help and the person lives, but in that case I’d call that ‘sin’ under my definition.

People in real pain are not ‘sinners’ and a discompasionate system that blames them for the abuse that put them in this suffering is very far from “godliness” and those people blaming them and making laws that hurt them more are very detached from the spirit within. It’s kind of psychopathic, really. Very selfish.

Does it mean when someone commit suicide that is also God/Universe plans and it’s already written in person fate?

I don’t believe in fate. There are patterns of probability, and you can get caught in a current of probability, but it’s not that personal. If you incarnate for a reason, and then it’s a bit of a crapshoot: luck and being memory wipes and cut off from spirit really mess us up, and they mess up the people around us so they mess us up some more.

Humans are in a bad system that is rigged against enlightenment, I have no doubt about that. You don’t call a planet “a place of learning” and then memory wipe everyone all the time, blame them for floundering around, being afraid and unknowing, not remembering who we are where we’ve been or how to be… that’s a special kind of cruel, dumb, and controlling. And it’s why I call is a prison planet.

I think it really doesn’t matter AT ALL if someone suicides, for them. It matters only to the people left behind. They can reincarnate if they want, or if they know how to avoid the reincarnation traps then they can go somewhere else, it really not that big of a deal.

Put it this way: when you’re talking to someone in the kitchen, and you leave the kitchen do they get sad and mourn that you’re now in the living room? That would be ridiculous… “oh no! now Johnny will miss the moment the meringues came out of the oven!” … but that’s how much death actually matters. It’s not really a thing.

I mean, welcome to being human? :smiley: It’s intense, not all beings can even do this, and most, imo, don’t want to. Some do, some like the intensity and the joyride. It takes all kinds.

Don’t blame yourself, keep fighting, hold on to your principles and your energy, and buckle up, it’s probably not going to get any easier. Sorry :slight_smile:

Are you having any troubles with your pathwork? It also could be an invitation from a female spirit to work with her

Amazing, It’s truly amaze me to see how deep you can go with all the knowledge you have gain. And I am sure it wasn’t easy for you to learn all this.
And the way you describe you must write a book or do podcast if you haven’t started yet and by saying that I don’t mean in funny way but serious way, so more people can get educate and learn.

I know i don’t fear death but what is after death that is questionable! Does death end suffering, it does end suffering the body pain and that pain is mostly exist because we live in this world. And mostly we are in pain or sad because our wishes didn’t came true. At least this is what I believe.
And the way you put Sin/crime in your words makes me wonder what is actual sin! Probably not what we often read on religious books.

Agree with you know Anti-Suicide matter! If we humans can punish another human/animals to death then why not make suicide legal. Love, Happiness, Family, Success is not for everyone. And time after time you deal with the same things. Same weathers, same holidays, same drama, same pain.
Reminds me story of one famous king who asked his famous Author to write a book on World History, After few attempts when king didn’t satisfied with author writings and Author get very disappointed and frustrated and one day he heard King is dying, so he rush to king palace to see him and when king see him, king asked so did you get it done or not? Author said yes i done writing a book, and king reply, ok let me see the book, Author said , there is no book, No book! king question! yes no book, so what is the history of world? King ask him, and he answer “People born, then they live their life in happiness and sadness and then they die” that is the history of book.
Now not sure if i mange to make my point clear but i tried.

In some countries if you failed to commit suicide then they make you more suffer, even in USA. Which is sad as you said its kind of psychopathic. Nobody deserve it and why to make people more suffer when their soul is already suffering.
And your wise example is valid too. At the end of the day we all should have freedom to live or die.


Hello Snow! Not sure about it, but i am open to learn more. Would you go in more detail for me please?

Also yes! while ago I’d dream about a woman, place, timing, situation. And everything was related to each other (Woman was beautiful, well dressed and successful- Place, It was the village i was born in- Timing/Situation, we both met, fall in love instantly, our parents bless us for marriage). But in dream everything was in very well detail, color and type of flowers, color of dress, lake and so much more. Which i found very unusual dream, because i don’t have dream about women/love etc. And that dream stuck in my mind.

Were you reading or thinking about any Female spirits lately?

I am 42 years old. I am not saying i am the only one who went thru a lot. But i am sure i have seen enough struggle.
I am not blaming myself for anything, i am the guy who always try to learn something out of every situation. But this time____.

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No, I don’t, Just my mom who is very sick right now. And the temple i mentioned in my first post, is where me and my used to go together a lot.

Maybe that is what the dream is about. Love in a different form of course. I hope your mom gets better. I don’t know if this will work but I will say it and I hope it will deliver some positive results: Above her food or beverages air draw fehu with your index finger ( use dominate hand) and say: I NEED ( not want ) her to get better

Maybe you are right i can associate this temple dream with her but other one!!
Also i read somewhere that if you dream about falling Temple it means you need strength to deal with upcoming event. I was hoping it’s not true.

Thank you very much, I truly appreciate it. Right now i am waiting for miracle. She’s in ICU and on vent.

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I am sorry to hear this. I hope she will get better. I am sending her love. Dont lose hope

She have to get better, for me. she must.
Since you are into reading and stuff. what do you think about this situation.
My aunt (my mom youngest sister who was also very close to my mom) passed away 3 months ago, and then after 20 days my uncle (my mom youngest brother) died or you can say get killed. He was suffering for long time (family/marriage got him into drinking and drugs). And my aunt was so close to her brother.
When he died everyone said she brought him in this world (My mom have 5 sisters and 1 brother who was youngest in family). And she take him back with her.
Now in ordinary world i wouldn’t believe in that but similar incident happened in my dad side family. When my dad brother Nanny passed away and she was so closed to him, after her death she often comes in my granny dream and beg her to let her hold him) and he died shortly after that.