Me and Koetting used to be my enemy

We fought hard and it hurt both of us hard, but I almost want to ask koetting magical mudslinginy body/cursing eachother on purpose, jousting. I mean this in the most respectible way koetting is a highly gifted magic father, gotta respect the day.
curses like hand grenades, you made me much stronger @ koetting and i love you for it. like brother,

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So I was planning on going to bedā€¦then I saw this.



i honestly wish e a koetting could use the devilā€™s stone to manifest drugs, iā€™d take even the shitty one.
is the devils stone achievble without azazel?

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Me and koetting at one point were doing the best we could to curse eachother. I dont think heā€™d admit it, iā€™l like to train attack and defense with him, no lethal intent. unlike our last roundabout.

the guy is smart as hell, can take any beating and get right back on his feed, i idolize him

This is likely to just blow up with other people taking the piss and goofing around (a ā€œdead horseā€) so with respect to whatever astral battles may or may not have occured, Iā€™m going to lock it.