Does Masturbation effect magick in (Goetia Pathworking: Magickal Results from The 72 Demons) by corwin hargrove he said to abstain for 3 day before doing any ritual from book. May be here or some where else I heard masturbation effect our aura may be that one of the reason. I don’t can anybody enlightened me about Masturbation and it’s effect on magick
It certainly can, both by abstaining and by particular application in the release of your sexual energy. It is an energetic spike, why waste it when you can direct it?
If you start practicing Tantra the first thing any guru will ask you to do is stop masterbating , as you may attract negative entities if you are constantly releasing the energy the entities may look at you as a energy source and attach themselves to you.
In Kundalini yoga as well , if you are a beginner the guru asks you to atleast abstain for 3-5 months depending on your body and past experience ( past life experience)
Like Lydra said why waste it for just 10 seconds of pleasure when you can harvest it for psychic development.
If there was truth to this then middle aged and older men who can’t get it up as well as women who just don’t do it would be very powerful mages with lots of charisma and radiant health, whether they intend to or not.
No, masturbation itself doesn’t affect magick. That’s just religious dogma and isn’t borne out by experience. Regular masturbation is perfectly fine, and in fact, research indicates it may help with preventing prostate cancer in men.
Masturbation is utilized in sex magick so it obviously has magical applications.
In Goetia Pathworking, the author recommends abstaining as a form of purification. That’s all. He doesn’t say anything about it negatively affecting the magick, only that it helps to sharpen the will and that is why he recommends it.
How does it work? When I masturbate in ritual I fail to get orgasm always.
My experience is that sexual energy is a great power that you can direct in anyway you want during masturbation. According to taoist yoga and my own experience, its the ejaculation that causes a massive chi-loss. For example, if I go 4 months without shooting, I feel like a completely different person… the air itself becomes charged and all my magick is enhanced. Then if I shoot, I feel the massive drain, and my consciousness itself is significantly affected and I now feel like a drained shell of what I used to be before I shooted.
So the prostate can become bloated if you dont shoot, you can combat this with yoga and lower abdomen muscle exercises. There is also a way to release fluids during masturbation without shooting, but the excitement itself also encourages the production of even more fluids.
As far as cancer, there are ways to prevent that, for example take a look at the book World Without Cancer. In this book it claims that people who eat apricot seeds everyday never get cancer. If you look at the official stance of ‘Established Truth in Medicine’ it will tell you - Do Not Eat Apricot Seeds they contain cyanide and will poison you.
I eat them every single day of my life and so does my friend and I do not appear to be suffering from cyanide poisoning at all as I’m pretty good at identify toxins in my system.
And so based on the research in this book mentioned it appears to be that the cyanide is contained in a stable compound that breaks apart only when it hits cancer cells - thus killing the cancer - which is what makes them effective in cancer prevention.
I hate shooting, and I always seek to do it as infrequently as possible, because from my personal experience not shooting over long periods of time affects my consciousness about as profoundly as taking some sort of drug or medication, but in a really good way. It’s like free chi-drugs that you don’t constantly drain yourself of by shooting.
Sometimes I got too much chi in myself tho and it comes out through hysterical laughter or acts of extremely potent magick. That doesn’t mean I direct it well, but I don’t consider either of those things to be bad.
Thus its best to also learn how to control chi and exchange it with the earth and heavens and there are plenty of ways to read about this - see the author Mantak Chia.
Some claim that they can shoot with no chi-loss at all. But my own experience has shown chi-loss and drained states of consciousness after every shoot on some level or another.
The no-mind of orgasm can be utilized to fire sigils. The energy of orgasm can be cycled back into the body to aid in healing. Visualizing your goals at the moment of orgasm can manifest them. You can turn masturbation into a sacred act by invoking a deity, your Higher Self or Holy Guardian Angel
Aleister Crowley’s eroto-comatose lucidity is a deep altered state created by orgasming over and over and over again.
Sex magicians use both masturbation and sex with a partner to power their magick. The “chi loss” caused by regular masturbation is negligible at best if you’re a healthy young man. It is chronic masturbation that can cause energetic disruptions, and for this reason some sex magicians utilize “magical chastity.” According to Jason Augustus Newcomb in his book Sexual Sorcery, there are three types of magical chastity: The first is simply complete abstinence in thought and deed. No sexual thoughts or actions are allowed at all. The second type is sublimating the energy of orgasm by cycling it back through the body. The third type is limiting all sex and/or masturbation to a magical context. This means no masturbation or sex outside of ritual. Aleister Crowley proposed a fourth type of magical chastity as well, and that is making everything you do, including masturbation, as pursuant of your True Will.
My opinion is: You are not able to hold this energy. Masturbation is not a problem.
You will do it once a day, maybe twice, or once every 2 or 3 days. Without additional stimulation you will not need to do it often. Your energy will be quickly rebuilt.
The problem is the most common stimulant Pornography.
Pornography blocks your body energetically and pollutes your mind, making you unproductive. This is a problem because masturbation goes hand in hand with pornography and this has an effect on magic because in magic the most important thing is the will to act.
If your body is full, it is simply cleansed. It is like a safety valve. If you have to do it, do it. Don’t bother.
I like that book, they made it into a video as well, I watched it on Bitchute. I usually eat them almost everyday when I have them, along with a teaspoon of baking soda which helps by creating a more alkaline environment in the body. Sometimes on top of that I might go for a capsule of DMSO which is known to boost the effects of other compounds ingested.
As much as I’ve tried, I just can’t seem to circulate the energy back in to an equal level where it was beforehand, and it then takes a seriously long time to feel as good as I did before… That doesn’t mean that other people don’t have more success here.
I’ve found that I can significantly limit the loss, but there is still always some level of loss.
That’s not really logical, it is if you don’t consider any factors.
But otherwise what you said just isn’t thinking many things through.
Makes sense to me!
I wouldn’t say that. I know adult stars that are extremely spiritual and mystical.
I’m not sure why you tagged me. I’m not a pornstar.
I’ll tell you what I think. I think a lot of the talk about celibacy in spirituality comes from “celibate” monastics from Asia. I put celibate in quotation marks, because a lot of them are not very successful at being celibate.
Lahiri Mahasaya - who rebirthed Kriya Yoga in the late 1800’s - said there is no advantage to abstaining from sex for any longer than 2 weeks. Taoists have said that celibacy can cause neurosis.
Spiritual? Blind for sure. I have seen hell and there are some things I do not have the courage to do, such as: rape, selling drugs, creating pornography.
Everything is connected and it is a matter of energy exchange.
Some say that the universe is chaotic and you can do whatever you want, but don’t we have police and courts? There simply must be beings who deal with passing judgment.
This is indestructible logic.
Whatever you do to another innocent person must be given to you. Because everything is connected.
Don’t you know that today even children are addicted to pornography? Is it only the parents’ fault? How would you feel about that?
Demons also have morality, although not all of them.
Many rapes have been initiated by this evil. The seed of evil in the heart of man.
I will not write about the negative effects of pornography on the brain because it has already been written by scientist.
As I wrote earlier, there is no healthy amount of alcohol or cigarettes or drugs. This is a drug. Money is not worth it. We have other methods. These are the things that not only make it difficult to ascend in these so-called righteous religions but also in the left hand paths.
I believe there is an infernal agenda of destruction and an infernal agenda of light.
This is definitely not the second one.