Mastering Evocation: Section #7 and 9

just found this: the sunnen hypnotic trance scale.

these steps are variations of the first few commands in autogenic training.

i’m thinking that turning each step into an autogenic command can turn that tech into a hypnotic deepener workaround.

the basic steps in the sunnen trance scale are:

sunnen trance
: you become aware of different body parts and organs.
: you relax different parts of your body and organs.
: your body slows down and you stop speaking.
: different parts of your body feel either light or heavy if light, you feel like floating away. if heavy, you stop moving.
: different parts of your body feel either warm or cool, usually warm.
: you become aware of your breathing and the energy circulating through you.
: you feel as if your body is growing until it is larger than the room you’re in.
: your body melts and changes shape.

sunnen deep trance
: you begin to ignore your awareness of your environmental surruondings.
: the voice inside your head recedes until it goes silent.
: you begin to ignore your awareness of time.
: your emotions recede until they are silent.
: images and sounds appear. you see colors and hear sounds, start daydreaming and hallucinating.
: the images go from beign pleasant and positive, to grotesque and infernal.

sunnen hyper trance
: you feel increasing energy vibrations and power going through your body.
: you feel a separation of your bodies: astral and mental apart from the physical, and then from each other. there are now three of you.
: you gain clarity and suddenly understand yourself and your universe.
: you feel serene, then enthusiastic and then positive.
: you feel universal love, then peacefulness, and then unity with the all.

would like to sit with the steps and turn them into autogenic commands, then try running that in an at session to see if they cut me through.

if it pans out, then i’ll post the full at practice up for everyone here to give a shot.

found this today: ways of creating effective deepeners

: exhaling with compounded suggestion, then silence: ‘every time you exhale, you will go deeper into trance.’ (repeat)
: counting with hallucinations: count the steps or floors as you go down/up a stairway or elevator, cars as they go by, etc.
: pyramiding inductions (repeating one induction after the other makes for strong deepeners)
: fractionation (going in and out of trance creates deeper states)
: a posthypnotic suggestion to go deeper every time you go into trance.

try these out with at and see what they do


well here ya go, fool. erik finally coughed up solomon’s key.

seems to me that you use entheogens to connect to something within you as some kind of teacher and guide. but you don’t use them for actual magick.

i guess this is the real hga rite: the process of taking substances to teach you who you are within, and then practicing magick to manifest your imagination into reality.

or nah. cos i may be wrong, but whatever.

now, off to find 5 grams of psilocybin so we can get on with these goddamned evocations.

i FINALLY got structuring yesterday for the first time. and here’s how i did it:

i rewrote the autogenic training protocol i learned from dr.kai kermani and i added the following sunnen trance commands to the affirmations after ‘my neck and shoulders are heavy:’

i feel energy moving through my eyes. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my ears. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my head. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my neck. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my shoulders. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my arms. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my hands. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my torso. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my waist. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my legs. (3 times) *
i feel energy moving through my feet. (3 times) *
i feel my body growing larger and larger. (3 times) *
i feel my body growing larger than this room. (3 times) *
i feel my body melting and changing its shape. (3 times) *
i lose my awareness of my environmental surroundings. (3 times) *
the voice in my head is quieter. (3 times) *
the voice in my head is quieter and quieter. (3 times) *
the voice in my head is quieter and quieter and quieter. (3 times) *
the voice in my head is completely silent. (3 times) *
awareness of time fades. (3 times) *
awareness of time fades and fades. (3 times) *
awareness of time fades and fades and fades. (3 times) *
there is no awareness of time. (3 times) *
emotions recede. (3 times) *
emotions recede further. (3 times) *
emotions recede further and further. (3 times) *
emotions are completely silent. (3 times) *
images and sounds appear (33 times) *
colors appear before me. (33 times) *
what colors appear? (33 times) *
i hear sounds. (33 times) *
what sounds do i hear? (33 times) *
daydreams flash before me. (33 times) *
what daydreams flash? (33 times) *
i see and hear hallucinations. (33 times) *
what do i see? (33 times) *
what do i hear? (33 times) *

when i said the i feel energy parts, i did feel the energy going through me, it felt like water was flowing around on the inside of me. not strong but i felt it.

i didn’t feel my body growing but i saw it in my mind’s eye, as if i was outside of myself, floating over myself. it was not a projection, just a mental projection, a visual.

i did feel myself melting but not changing shape.

when i told the voice in my head to grow quiet, IT DID. i finally got to the point where there was ZERO mental chatter. i actually stopped for a minute to see if the chatter would come back and IT DIDN’T. so if you do autogenic training and have a problem with mental distraction, DEFINITELY use that command, it may very well get rid of that problem for you.

when i said 'images and sounds appear i saw a flash of a 3D table made of glass. it was clear as day. the light began to shine completely differently and then i clearly saw it. i was not trying to see anything or straining at all, it just appeared and then it disappeared.

when i said colors appear, i saw a rainbow around the outside of my vision, but mostly purple and light blue. so i knew something was happening. then that disappeared as well.

when i said i hear sounds, some asshole who was near me began chattering in some wierd language and laughing like a hyena. at first i was like shut the fuck up you dildo i’m trying to work here, but then i said fuck it, let me utilize that and pretend that’s the sound i hear and i went on with it.

when i said daydreams flash, i actually did see a very quick one. i don’t remember what it was because i wasn’t taking careful notes, i was just trying the protocol to see if anything would happen. but i DID see a very quick daydream, and when i say quick it was over in about 3 seconds.

when i said i saw hallucinations i did begin seeing different objects. i remember seeing the table again, and then it changed into something that looked like a cross between a lobster and a squid. i was trying to figure out what it was but then i said fuck it, don’t pull yourself out of trance. it then faded and i saw a few more things. i began to write them down but that pulled me out of trance.

btw, i was reading this entire thing from paper. if i had memorized it or recorded the commands, i would probably have gone further into trance. if you want to do these protocols, record yourself saying them and repeat what you hear so you go into trance that way. then you’ll stay in trance and not be moving in and out of it like i do. it might give you better results to do things that way.

i’m going to try this again today and see if i get more structured objects.

after all of this time i FINALLY got another breakthrough.

the fact that i’m still stuck on this level after all these months…

it should not take this long to evoke. i’ve been at mastering evocation for more than a year and at evocation since 2006.

i’m going to have to seriously think about whether i should even be on balg if this is how long it takes.

i’m learning a lot but as far as actually doing an evocation, i’m moving backwards. i was doing more and better evocation work before 2011 than i’m doing now!

what gives?

I used to use a black mirror I made for about $10. Then I bought a black obsidian stone which cost $170 and somehow this made a difference. Or perhaps it was simply that I had practised - I don’t know. Others would say black mirror scrying is not true evocation. But the overall most important factor for development, IMHO, is the stability of one’s paradigm or Weltanschauung, or ‘model of the cosmos.’ - in short, one’s beliefs in how things should and will work.

i still have my black mirror but don’t use it as much as i should. distraction got a hold of me as usual. tell you what. i’m going to use it for the weekend and see if it helps get things going again.

next week if things are still stuck i’ll set up an appointment with either nate or alex and see if i can get this sorted out.

otherwise i’ll be outta here by next saturday.

i’m tired of fence-sitting. it’s put up or shut up time now, and the clock is ticking…

this isn’t working quite the way i want it to, so i’m leaving the board.

will work my way through the rest of the mastering evocation videos and do the sigil magick method nate showed me. we’ll see what happens after that.

other than that i’m done here.


Sad news : thefool was one of the most helpful and considerate people I’ve ever met online, we’re going to be poorer for his absence, but I respect his choice to cut out a direction that wasn’t working.

(Still going to be a bit mis, though.)

i second your post eva.I like him also.
@The fool
STAY HERE AND POST.(It’s a command)

ok, i’ll post.

last week sunday (november 23rd) i had a call with nate where we went over my problems doing evocations. i let him read my notes from here and he showed me how to do sigil magick properly. i actually wanted to learn to do full evocation, but i guess my notes led him to believe that sigil magick was enough, and in fact he said when you do sigil magick properly, it is very powerful.

i took careful notes when he was talking. i still have my notes. a lot of what he said was actually very familiar to me, much of sigil magick comes down to autosuggestion forms in hypnotism, which i have been saying for months on here. he does a few small steps differently than autohypnosis would be done, but they’re very telling.

the next day i went back over the autohypnosis methods i learned from the rogue hypnotist, igor ledochowski, and mark desade. you don’t find that many people teaching strict autohypnosis - those are the three autohypnosis methods i know of besides autogenic training, which i take as the root of my own self-hypnosis work.

i wrote my own notes down as the following for autohypnotic sigilization:

i. hypnotic interview
i.i define the problem and solution
ask yourself trh questionnaire with metamodels for detail. find your problem matrix
define smart goals. write prehypnotic suggestions (hypnotic + posthypnotic with trigger/cues)
i.ii give yourself role permission
the only creator is you and your spirit team. create a focus sigil
i.iii give yourself process permission
set up on a tabletop. get into position

ii. hypnotic process
count to 33. reread suggestions and posthypnotic suggestions from a cue card 33x. count down from 33 to 0
photofocus the sigil. open your peripheral vision and breathe
tgs flash/spin: call the spirit, wait for a sign
repeat erik’s first chant until blank out. call the spirit, wait for a sign
say erik’s second chant until you blank out. call the spirit, wait for a sign
sigil becomes a doorway/hole.
say erik’s third chant until you blank out. call the spirit and wait for a shadow around/behind you
welcome the spirit. give your hypnotic suggestion and posthypnotic suggestion with trigger cue
visualize it as a movie scene around you, or as a hologram
push the scene/hologram from your mind into the sigil
give your hypnotic and posthypnotic suggestions with trigger cue again
return when you are ready and disengage

iii. lesser magick/outer game
put the sigil away
forget about the whole thing and let it happen on its own

i then spent my spare time on monday to wednesday going back over the rogue hypnotist’s 6 books to pull notes and double-check everything i learned from autosuggestion, autogenic training, and from nate. it turns out that everything i learned works together, i just needed to pull a few things together a bit more, namely the hypnotic interview section is something i had not taken the time to really do properly, i like most magicians just grab a sigil and jump right into it. however, planning is important.

i also threw damon brand’s cashbook in the garbage. it may work, it amy not work. i don’t know. but it wasn’t working FOR ME. i wasn’t getting the result i wanted and i’m not interested in asking why it didn’t happen. i want things to happen. so that thing is now trash.

and i deleted all of my mastering evocation videos from my ipod and threw out most of my grimoires. no more spiritual security blankets to do ‘research’ on. no excuses to procrastinate. i’m either doing magick or i’m putting it away. no more halfway shit. it’s do or done with time.

thursday night i did my first sigilization ritual using this info. i used a firma for bechard (exu dos ventos) from frisvold’s book exu and did the method outlined above. i fell asleep while doing it. friday was a lot lighter for some reason and again for some reason i didn’t eat anything all day friday, i was just drinking water.

friday night i decided to do ANOTHER sigil evocation. this time i called paliay, kuliay, and toliay from the inugan prophecy and did the rite of pinu, 3rd level. i used the full candle layout of having 12 red and 12 white candles in a hexagram around me, and i used my radionic machine as the altar with my request written out on top of it. i kidnapped a friend’s key and did the rite in a store. i live on the street and it was the first ritual i have been able to do INSIDE in years, almost every other ritual i have had to do i was forced to do outside, which isn’t easy because i live in canada and it gets fucking cold here in the winter. i was up until almost 4am friday night doing that ritual and it felt pretty powerful. just like erik said, i felt the spirits coming to me from BEHIND me, not materializing in front of me. also, they came quickly, while i was still calling them. that is usual with me. i am going to have to learn to not go through with the formalities when the spirits come because i find they end up coming before i am finished calling them. the whole time they were there my head was buzzing so i know they heard me. however, we will see how it all plays out in real life. just because it felt powerful doesn’t mean a thing. all i care about is RESULTS.

the same things i have dealt with before happened on friday night. one, i changed what i was asking for halfway through the ritual. two, when i went to photocopy two pages from the grimoire, i ended up accidentally printing a perfect copy of the entire thing. so i am guessing the spirits in the grimoire still like me and want me to work with them. i now have a perfect working copy of the grimoire, my first copy in over 3 years and my 5th overall copy of the thing. at first i was like what in the actual fuck? then i was like, no, this is serendipity, it’s not just a mistake or a snafu, it was meant to happen. three, my eyes went blurry during the ritual, so all the gazing that erik said to do was not going to fucking happen. i actually did most of the ritual looking at burning paper instead of looking at the candles. i didn’t structure a thing in the smoke even though it was THICK. as a matter of fact, i would like to try it again using my copal incense which i didn’t have on me, and this time i’d like to really try to evoke properly and structure IN the smoke. i was extremely tired all saturday because i didn’t get a chance to sleep and was groggy the entire weekend. we will see if the ritual pans out or if it was just a bullshit exercise.

saturday night i did ANOTHER ritual to bechard using my radionic machine as an altar, but i was just too fuckign tired to concentrate on anything. again i fell asleep before i got full contact. had a bunch of dreams but nothing memorable.

sunday i did another ritual again, repeating the one i tried to do on saturday. this time i added another sigil from the greater key of solomon to the firma for bechard. this time i DELIBERATELY went to sleep when i felt myself drifting.

i will tell you that the part of counting to 33, repeating a request 33 times, and then counting back down to 0 is VERY powerful for focusing your mind. it is the autosuggested way of doing hypnotic and posthypnotic commands before you go into trance. when you actually go into trance, you are supposed to just kind of drift to where you want to go. having said that, i am still looking to structure and see visions and hear words while in trance. i paid a lot for mastering evocation and i want it all, PLUS the results.

this BALG thing is NOT an emotional massage parlor. i am here to get full real-world results. i am not willing to settle for confirmation bias or imagined delusions. i want results i can measure and know hey, I DID THAT. that is why i am not posting anymore. it’s PUT UP OR SHUT UP TIME. i do not want to hear about maybe, almost, or if only. i want results or i want out.

next time i post up here will be AFTER i get results i can count on. not before. not during. AFTER. if i don’t get results like i want, there’s no reason for me to be here. and i’m not giving myself the shortcut of hanging around here waiting for something to happen. i will only post up here AFTER i get what i want.

i am going to use my sigilization method this week and we will see what happens.

as far as i’m concerned, this is my last post here. i will be back IF i get serious results from doing my magick. if not, it was nice knowing you all.

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I wholeheartedly agree, fool. If its not working for you, its time to move on. You have put in a lot of work, with the autogenic training and the hypnosis. There should be results. I myself am in a similar situation. I have seen very limited results, but my practice has been no where near as thorough as yours. I’ve mainly dabbled so I have decided to devote the next several months to daily evocations. After that, we’ll see.

Good luck to you.

I dont post anymore here but still wanted to give my 2 cents

Reading your efforts to achieve successful evocation is nice but also painful to read. We feel a lot of frustation, pain, and sadness in your work.

I think you should take a break. You’re trying too hard. Don’t beat yourself that hard ! Evocation and magic in general should be done in the joy not in the suffering.

Maybe you should consider others means to get contact from the spirits such as dreams or readings (tarot for instance).

Evocation is not the alpha and omega of communication with spirits, this is just one mean amongst others. Shamans are quite close to spirits and they dont perform physical evocation. Think about it.

Also, dont feel sad because it seems to you that all others say they are tchit tchatting with spirits like they would with their neighbors. Some of them do, but most of them dont and are just BSing, so dont take others as a reference to your work.


Agree with the first bit, but that kind of statement’s easy to make to just invalidate dozens of people, so if it makes you feel good to do that, I guess go for it, but it seems to me like posturing. :stuck_out_tongue:

sad to see you go but I relate completely. Although I don’t blame BALG or anyone, I really need time to work on myself for 2015(and I really need to shape shift my life into something else). I remember two years ago when my Internet connection was temporarily down. I had no choice but pick up a book and read. started reading Magick in theory and practice. I started taking notes, worked the rites. then worked then on a schedule each day. began to see results. then… etc…

sometimes you need to unplug from this world in order to devote to yourself. at this point in my life I’m completely alone but the benefits for the time being(magickally) out weigh any emotional hinges.

for me unplugging the DSL will help me with my HGA… lol… good luck fool… results are coming…

Agree with the first bit, but that kind of statement’s easy to make to just invalidate dozens of people, so if it makes you feel good to do that, I guess go for it, but it seems to me like posturing. :P[/quote]
@ ‘‘The Eye’’
I feel bad when i’m seeing posts like this one. It’s like someone is serving you to eat shit hidden in a chocolate cake.Well,i guess anyone can make asumptions about others.But making conclusions is a different thing.Lady eva was more than fair with what you wrote.It wasn’t good bro.Sorry for this but it wasn’t. (I’m referring to your post)

ok, i’m back.

did a ritual last night and called satan and lucifer to explain something to me, which they did in a dream.

then did a simple conjuration this morning and got tgs pretty quickly. i then closed my eyes and immediately went into what looked like a wormhole in space, that sucked me right out of the galaxy into a part of space i had not seen before, and then i went down to where i saw no stars. all of this happened when i chanted the enns and zazas.

something is happening again. i am going to go back to my original dedication oath and work through liber nox like i planned to do all along before fucked up events got in the way.

but this time i expect things to happen. i’m not going to spin my wheels. and i want to DO magick this time, not study it. i’m done studying it’s time to make shit hit the fan.

can you send links ?

The person you are replying to hasn’t been on the forum since 2018 so they are not likely to respond.

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thanks for the heads up bro