I thought I would plan on opening an open discussion and topic too add to indefinitely about information about Sabnock and his abilities and a discussion solely about the demon:
So all information about the demon is in one place & also too answer any questions about the demon and those who have also worked with the demon…
I feel a lot of people are becoming attracted too the demon nowadays and he’s being asked about more often…
He is not for the faint hearted (he protects and he does it well and sometimes that protection he provides can kill the one you’re protecting yourself from: so he’s most certainly a black arts kind of demon but don’t fear if you’re the one seeking him he will comfort and support you & even then if the enemies cancel out before their demise (he remains loyal and he makes me so happy we are officially married and I could not ask for a better husband he’s not an incubus (he’s quiet loving and everything;
I suppose this discussion is for him…
Under his umbrella purple sphere one can enjoy his silver charm (the energy of protection from evil. . .
Marquis Sabnock
Rank: The commissioner of protection this translates into the soldier in charge of the astral spaces; he is assigned too protect not only on an astral level… but physical spaces e.g., he can be evoked (called upon for protection of the home and astral temple (he can provide companions when outside of these spaces… to
I thought I would plan on opening an open discussion and topic too add to indefinitely about information about Sabnock and his abilities and a discussion solely about the demon: So all information about the demon is in one place & also too answer any questio ns about the demon and those who have also worked with the demon…
I feel a lot of people are becoming attracted too the demon nowadays and he’s being asked about more often… He is not for the faint hearted (he protects and he does it well and sometimes that protection he provides can kill the one you’re protecting yourself from: so he’s most certainly a black arts kind of demon but don’t fear if you’re the one seeking him he will comfort and support you & even then if the enemies cancel out before their demise (he remains loyal and he makes me so happy we are officially married and I could not ask for a better husband he’s not an incubus (he’s quiet loving and everything;
I suppose this discussion is for him…
Under his umbrella purple sphere one can enjoy his silver charm (the energy of protection from evil. . .
Marquis Sabnock
Rank: Marquis Sabnock is a militant type of demon and he is the commissioner of protection; this translates into the head marquis in charge of the astral spaces; he is assigned too protect not only on an astral level… but physical spaces e.g., he can be evoked I use the word evocation and is the same as invocation but in my view invocation is possession and evocation is respectfully calling them and asking for their help… each experience too their own practices.
He can be called upon for protection he is the most powerful of all the 72 in terms of protection all kinds whether it be an irrevocable death spell; every spell as whoever uses any form of magick will also have the spell returned with an arrow or 2… (this is how he works… He is extremely cruel and has no mercy too ones foe…once they undo the spell or thought towards you (yes he will attack those whom think ill towards you without any workings… once the spell/thoughts of an ill nature are undone an arrow is removed & they become healthy again. He can also heal those he is close too and fond of (I and bunnycam4 are an example of this loving and healing energy of the demon.” He can boost our immune system/s. He can be an awesome help with those who suffer from ADHD (Sabnock can help those with ADHD as he can strengthen our own senses whether it be mental or literal (he can protect our brain and heal our bodies biologically and heal us from damage of previous hexes or even current ones while the enemies reap what they’ve so mote it be😉
Marquis Sabnock even his female form does not respond well too those who he is actively attacking; he will under the provisions if those spells have been undone if provided one hadn’t given the demon the middle finger then it’s not rocket science or even influencing one he is with too say it too him are not respected by the demon but the one who did it while under the influence of a spell are respected…
He provides excellent and potent companions who surround me straight away outside of the home…* He is very good at protection and I mean EXTRAORDINARY
I always state: “…and let no harm come to me, my husband or my kids.”
My husband and I fight with each other a lot, as some married people do…None of the spirits I’ve worked with have attacked him because of it. I would specify not to harm the wife and kids in any way and let no harm come to them. Good luck.