Marquis Andras

Can Andras ruin friendship circles and family? I would like to invoke him for that reason

He’s an absolute expert in sowing disharmony and discord. He’d be perfect for the job ^^


Have you worked with him?

Yes I have. Usually for exactly this. To sow disharmony and conflict in work teams, friendship and family circles etc.

He’s intense. His energy is pretty overpowering, almost scary for me, when I summon his energy for baneful purposes I call him mr. Gutpunch, because when I call forth his energy it feels like somebody punched my gut and grabs my throat. That might be personal, but if that happens stay strong, keep breathing and don’t fear. It passes quickly.

I figure that’s why he’s pretty effective, you can direct all that dangerous and powerful energy directly into your spellwork and send it out.


I want to call him for this reason but I’m not an experienced one. I read a lot about him about his energy almost the same way you described but I know it’s because he helps with curses and other stuff. They also mentioned that he’s not a beginner friendly… :cry: I easily get scared so I’m reading and asking a lot about him to know him better and so that I can be respectful when I call him. I’m doing a lot of research on what method of invoke I should call him too

Research is good! Don’t let it scare you too much though. His energy is intense, for me personally. Andras as an entity is pretty laid back for me.

Chanting his enn (yourself, not listening to it) might be the best test to see if you are ready.
If the energy feels too much and to scary even while just chanting the enn a few times, just stop immediately. Walk away and ground yourself.

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Thank you :pray:

This is not a problem if u do the simplified demonic circle, thompson in his book and some others use this, no visualisation, no pentagrams, no imagining things required and it works this is what u do. It will help contain Andras energies.

Face East : Say as loud as u can " I invoke Lucifer the guardian of east" Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer x 3.

Face north: just like above say : I invoke Belial guardian of North, "Lirach tasa vefa wehlic Belial. ×3

Face West: I invoke Leviathan, guardian of West," Jedan tasa hoet naca Leviathan ×3

Face south: I invoke Felerous, guardian of south" Ganic tasa fubin felerous" x3

Stay where u are and look above towards the sky and say : I invoke Satan, tasa reme Laris Satan ×3

Speak for the last time

Lucifer watch over me from East
Belial watch over me from north
Leviathan watch over me from west
Flerous watch over me from south
Satan watch over me from above

And you are done. Good luck with andras.


Is invoking them for protection or gaining energy? How do I invoke Andras after it? Is it just the same like that?
I just had a dream about someone cutting 3 of my fingers maybe because I was thinking too much of Andras or I accidentally called him idk, :sob:

This circle just protects you overall and from his overwhelming energies , u can call on him without it, i only suggested this cause my first time calling him without any circles, i felt overwhelmed by his energies, drained and became very aggressive for some weeks beause of his energy from the invocation was still lingering, he brings that in your life like the books says about him.

U can invoke him from the center, it really doesnt matter what way u are facing just call on him he will arrive Just like same way except u chant his enn for longer than 3 times and open his sigil so little more work until he arrives and u feel his energies, and your request and then dismiss him.

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would it be okay if i ask you more on message about this?

Yes, tho i aint no expert myself on this path most of what i have mentioned is all from books on amazone coupled with small experiences of my own xd.

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Could please list some of those books?? And which ones you found to be most effective

I don’t read books. I research online.