Making yourself into two at different place at the same time

i need help to make myself into two at different place at the sametime

Usually this is done (most easily) with astral projection. I have done this before, and I have to say it’s not exactly something you can just expect to do on a whim. This is one of those things that takes practice or happens accidentally with little control.

Are you talking about doing this astrally, or physically?

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

To start bilocating, you need to free up more attention. Everything requires your attention to exist. Problem is, most of our attention is tied up in egotistical concerns, and that barely leave enough to sustain one location, nevermind two.

My first dream where I bilocated, in the main dream, it was a complete scene, a fully rendered world. In my secondary location, I was sitting at a desk surrounded by darkness. It was a smaller pocket. I didn’t have enough attention to fill out the details.

With later attempts, my secondary location slowly began filling in with more detail. I still don’t think I have enough attention to sustain two separate dream worlds, but I’m working on it, slowly but surely.

So far my only conscious success with this is lucid dreaming and being awake at the same time. It’s still a new experience for me running two streams of consciousness at the same time.

It is possible! Be ready for opportunities and practice, practice, practice.

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Only two?

Indeed, why two?

Be the best hydra you can be.

hmm.sounds to me that you are searching answers about paralel worlds

[quote=“Tenebrae Aeterna, post:6, topic:1069”]Indeed, why two?

Be the best hydra you can be.[/quote]

Go to the “mastering omnipresence” course…


[quote=“NariusV, post:4, topic:1069”]So far my only conscious success with this is lucid dreaming and being awake at the same time. It’s still a new experience for me running two streams of consciousness at the same time.

It is possible! Be ready for opportunities and practice, practice, practice.[/quote]

That’s the state you are in in all astral projections, but being able to switch instantaneously back and forth between the two is not being conscious of both simultaneously.

Try to see both at the same time - truly at the same time and not just very rapid switching between them.

Do you think it is possible to be conscious of two distinct ideas at the very same time?

Both faces and the shape at the same time? Or was there something hidden? because if not, i don’t see what was the hard part here.

[quote=“Poete Maudit, post:10, topic:1069”][quote=“NariusV, post:4, topic:1069”]So far my only conscious success with this is lucid dreaming and being awake at the same time. It’s still a new experience for me running two streams of consciousness at the same time.

It is possible! Be ready for opportunities and practice, practice, practice.[/quote]

That’s the state you are in in all astral projections, but being able to switch instantaneously back and forth between the two is not being conscious of both simultaneously.[/quote]

It was simultaneous two distinct sets of sensory input streams, one of the waking world, and one of the dream world. One was physical with an eye open. The other was a continuation of a lucid dream.