Making of a necromancy course

It would be interesting if a course in necromancy were to be made cause it is pretty well impossible to find Dantes book unless you have a boat load of cash i found one for almost 5000 bucks, or at least make a pdf e book it is to good of information to left unread or left unexplored whats others option on such a subject because there are many people who have no idea as to how to work on such an amazing path of the arts of death.

For whatever it’s worth, I’m seriously working on a kind of tutorial for this, psychopomp & ancestral work (three main themes of working with death in other words) but it’s something that’s fitting round my other commitments, but on the plus side, it will be free, so swings & roundabouts. :slight_smile:


-has Abiel’s book for sale. Also, not a dick, and willing to part with it at reasonable price-

I managed to get one for 355 bucks well worth the money.

Cool. Consider this my early enrollment.

No doubt that would be an awesome course but consider the legality of such work to be put out on video like that using the real fresh remains of a human corpse snatched from a graveyard than just a written book on it. But then again it could all be done using animal spirits too.

What I’m interested in is a course in necromancy that involves techniques from all over the world than just limiting it down to Azrael and western rituals or ones found in africa.

Please do let us know when it will be out. I’m already in line…

Necromancy, like all other forms of black magick have no limits. But necromancy in particular is pretty easy to get started with. There are many spirits and gods out there associated with death. You could invoke master Qayin, Nergal, Azrael, and many more and ask for help and guidance. Even ama Lilith teaches necromancy. Also, learn to silence your thoughts through daily death/void meditation, and visit cemeteries frequently to connect with the right energy current. You can also gather animal bones from the woods and make your own ritual implements from. You can also get some obsidian, it holds cthonic energy very well and can act as an altar conduit to channel death energy. Death magick will obviously leave you drained sometimes though, so it’s good to counter those side effects with practice that is overall invigorating, like vampirism, hitting the gym like 3 times a week, and generally just taking good care of your physical and psychical health. Necromancy is such a fascinating path and sometimes I think people both underestimate it’s power, and also fear it’s potential for merciless Enlightenment.

Ave mors!

One can also wear jewelry made of iron or titanium for there alchemicaly channel and store death energy to help the body adjust as well as crystals obsidian is a good stone for that as well.

[quote=“Tsalmaveth, post:8, topic:9007”]Necromancy, like all other forms of black magick have no limits. But necromancy in particular is pretty easy to get started with. There are many spirits and gods out there associated with death. You could invoke master Qayin, Nergal, Azrael, and many more and ask for help and guidance. Even ama Lilith teaches necromancy. Also, learn to silence your thoughts through daily death/void meditation, and visit cemeteries frequently to connect with the right energy current. You can also gather animal bones from the woods and make your own ritual implements from. You can also get some obsidian, it holds cthonic energy very well and can act as an altar conduit to channel death energy. Death magick will obviously leave you drained sometimes though, so it’s good to counter those side effects with practice that is overall invigorating, like vampirism, hitting the gym like 3 times a week, and generally just taking good care of your physical and psychical health. Necromancy is such a fascinating path and sometimes I think people both underestimate it’s power, and also fear it’s potential for merciless Enlightenment.

Ave mors![/quote]

To add to this, I’ve had recent UPG that having certain Kundalini experiences counteracts the whole “Necromancy eats your body/mind” thing. Cliffnotes Version is Death Currents are eternal entropic forces, and anything less than an eternal emanating force, like an Awakened Kundalini, will eventually be swallowed up by Death. Something to consider if you value your spinal column, functioning organs and lucidity.

I think every current, if worked with with full devotion and dedication, have it’s “ups and downs”. We may look at different traditions with our current set of minds, and think “That sounds to dangerous”, or “That sounds too extreme or dark”, but the thing is that the currents change us with time. There’s so much things we read and hear that we really can’t judge with our at the time limited knowledge and understanding, because every serious practice is about expanding our minds to get a greater understanding. And those things which first seems too “dark”, “dangerous” or “extreme”, may instead get essential, obvious and necessary for spiritual growth later on, after working in a system for at least some years and letting it’s mind-expanding process run it’s course. I think you know what system is your True Calling, once you’ve read all the bad, dangerous things, and have heard all the warnings from people, but STILL want to immerse yourself in those currents. And in my experience, it’s by then the gods and spirits start making themselves known to you, and it’s also by then you really see that they necessary isn’t the completely “evil” and “sadistic” entities people claim them to be. The most important thing here is to let things take their time and not rush with anything, and it will probably work out just fine. Remember, everybody have different experiences, expectations and reasons to do magick. Some people is happy and ok with casting some candle spells and maybe do some “simple” evocations a couple of times a year when they need money for example. Nothing wrong with that, BUT, of course the forces of chaos and death will sound scary to them (and they will tell you to stay away from that kind of magick). And on the contrary, there is people that seeks total destruction of the ego and rebirth in the Primal chaos void, and then these forces becomes an apparent choice for merciless Enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Carnal wispers by sommnus dreadwood is another book to look at for necromancy if you can’t get Dantes book but a possible training course would still be better tho but it might be a bit more difficult since dante isn’t with balg anymore.