Make someone contact you

Hi all.
I was wondering, if anyone has any idea how to make somebody reach out to you. It’s been a really long time - well that’s relative, but months. And maybe this person has forgotten me, or I’m just somewhere in the back of their mind.
Is there anything I can do to make them speak to me again (I can’t really start first…)
Anything would help thank you


Hmmm interesting.
Maybe a mind control spell such as this one might work

Perhaps even in combination with that intention repeater that was posted recently


thank you. target isn’t easy but I’m willing to try.

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First of all, he cannot be attached to your target. You have to forget about what you’ve done, and not look back at it. That’s the only way it’s going to work. You have to be indifferent about the results.

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This one worked for me, and I assisted it as a woman to get a guy to recontact me on kik.


I hear that all the time. does that really make or break a ritual? I would like this to happen but it’s no longer life or death.

did that one really work for you?
how long had it been since you two communicated? did the person send a message?

Just like Seere told your friend:

I’ve been following your posts for some time, because I want to achieve a similar result myself. You have to let go and let things manifest.


letting go seems to be my issue. also: spells span months if not years, apparently
will reply more later, you can message me too if you like. I`m sick and feeling my sleepiness come on :o

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Last year I used magic to make a girl want to meet me. I have commissioned many love rituals and I myself have performed very simple rituals with a candle. It didn’t do anything. Then I met another girl and completely forgot about that girl and you know what? That’s when the first girl texted me that she wanted to meet me, which was a shock to me. I wrote about it here:

In love magic you will only get results if you let go.
Many people claim that after performing a love ritual on a specific person, the spell worked in a different way and they found someone even better. I think the spell worked exactly the way it was supposed to. They got a better person so that they could forget about the first person and that the magic could affect the first person unhindered. Because let’s be honest - the ONLY way to forget the person you love (or your ex) is to find a better person in every way.


I will post the oracion to Queen Pombagira Maria Padilha.
(Source: Invoke Pomba Gira - Free Magic Spell )

You will need: 1 red candle, your Specific Target’s full name, an offering: chocolate, red roses WITHOUT thorns, red lipstick, perfume, champagne, red wine, cigarettes, cigarillos, makeup, jewelry.

Light your candle and meditate for a few minutes.
When ready, place the offering(s) around the candle and chant:
My Queen Pomba Gira Maria Padilha of the 7 crossroads, go wherever _________ is and don’t let him rest, don’t let him sleep, don’t let him talk, don’t let him be cheerful, don’t let him feel pleasure until he talks to me. IT IS.

For the powers of the earth for the presence of fire, for the inspiration of air, for the virtues of water, I invoke the 13 blessed souls for the powers of The Sacred Heart and the tears shed for love, so that they go wherever ________ is at this moment and bring his spirit to me, tie it definitely to mine. His spirit will soak in the essence of my love and he will return it back to me in double. _________ will never desire another woman and his eyes will always be on me.


Hail Pomba Gira Maria Padilha Queen of the 7 crossroads! I ask you: Go turn around, go please turn around in my favor bringing ________ back to me. Move air, transform fire, move air, water becomes earth. Earth heals, it turns. The wheels turn, it turns the wheels, turns it, it will bring ________ back to me as soon as possible, next to me.

_________ won’t desire another woman, he will be fine only by my side. He will miss me and will come to meet me and ask me to never let him go. _________ will want me and will not stop thinking about us being together. IT IS AND IT WILL BE.

Hail Pomba Gira Maria Padilha! Hail 7 skirts! Hail your sisters, Maria Mulumbo, Maria Rainha da Calunga Pequena, Maria Padilha Shivered, and all the others! Hail 7 skirts! My good friend and woman of the 7 exus, defender of the women! Hail 7 skirts! My kind and glorious princesses, I know your strength and your power, I ask the following: ________ will not sleep if he is not certain that we are together. His body will burn into desiring me. _______ desire for me will make him blind for all other women. The other women will NOT see him as a man. The other women will NOT make ________ desire them; they will NOT give him pleasure. I am the only one who will have this power.

________ will NOT love, kiss, hug any other woman anymore and will let only me be in his heart.

Tear other women apart from him. The other women will not want him anymore. ______ will look for me at all times today. Now wishing to be by my side, he misses me. _________ will always have my image in his thoughts at all times of his days and nights. Right now with whomever and wherever you are _________ you will stop. And your thoughts will be with me. When you lay down, when you wake up, you will dream about me. And for this you will love me more every day. If you are sleeping, wake up missing me! You will be glad to hear my voice. ___________ you will feel a desire for me that is above desire, like you have never felt for any other woman before and never will again.

Hail 7 skirts! My kind and glorious Princess of the 7 exus that follow your steps.

I plea and I beg, tie __________ to the 7 knots of your skirt and to the 7 bells of your clothes for me.

I thank you Pomba Gira for your work for me. I will make public your name in exchange of this wish. Bring ________ today and let him be with me always. Let him be mine. Let him be always with me today and he will think of me and he will call me and he will beg to come back to me, because he can not stand being far away from me, because he will be afraid of losing me.

He will come saying that he wants me always with him, and he will want me to be his wife and mother of his children.


I trust Pomba Gira of the 7 crossroads, every time this prayer is read it will be stronger and stronger. That is why I send it to the corners of the world, asking oh mother make this wish come true. I want to be with _________.

I know the groups of Pomba Gira are already blowing my name into __________ ears day and night. He will not eat, sleep, or do anything unless he is with me. I trust the power of the 7 crossroads and will continue spreading this powerful prayer.




oh this looks like an interesting ritual. the offerings are very expensive, some will have to be substituted - and I hope that is okay.

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Yes it does. Because you’re relying on your own energy instead of the ritual.

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Try to put his photo under your pillow and, before sleeping, think about the situation you would like to live.


well, I’d like him to think warm thoughts about me, and feel like sending me a message. (and if he has forgotten me - well, to remember me) aw that’s a cute idea. I’ll get a printed picture under my pillow

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She is more than fine with that, because a lot of people who work with her are people in poverty. She will take anything that you can give. Also, you don’t have to give everything that is listed, these are just options that you CAN give her. When I first invoked her, I gave her chocolate and a red candle.


Yes, it took two days, we hadn’t talked for maybe 2 months. They sent the message “how are you?” on my kik.
And they just found me on another online account, but since then I told them we were not going anywhere and ended it, so I’m just being polite.


I’ve had some successes with direct telepathic influence in this area

There’s actually a honey jar spell that can do that.

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oh those are great results! just a hello, how have you been, would be a wonderful start.
will look into the ritual