Make me irresistible

Anyone got suggestions on how to make me irresistible to females?

Learn to manipulate your aura to make yourself come off interesting to women, how a person is perceived is based on the vibe their aura gives off.

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Thx, I’ll look into it

Cut out your self esteem, pride yourself, know that you’re your own god and walk with full confidence. Or use a glamour spell or do what Rungr said :wink:

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Thx bro

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Everything they said plus keep up your appearance

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Oh and use pharamon spray to attract as well let me tell you it works extremely well any store that sells adult products have them


This applies to a lot of things, not just attraction, but learn to balance your warm and strong qualities. Show off too much strength (such as confidence) and you may come off too cocky or cold. Show off too much warmth (such as sensitivity), and you may end up getting the pity response. Showing that you can be capable of both at the appropriate time can be a very attractive trait. Keeping up with your appearance is also important while glamour spells can help with your confidence. If you are interested in learning warm and strong traits, let me know and I’ll shoot you a good podcast on the subject via pm. It is geared more towards leadership but it can be applied to any social interaction really.


How do glamour spells work, i thought they were only for girls?..dont mean to sound misogynistic

A glamour spell is simply a spell to influence how people perceive you, whether by the energy you give off or by subconsciously shifting your body language. Gender plays a minor role in it (both can use glamour) as there are slight differences in how we express ourselves with our bodies, even though we may not be aware of it right off the bat.

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Being a girl or a boy doesn’t really matter at all, glamour can be used by anyone, humans are fluid beings, a man can glamour any gender and female can glamour any gender, how a person acts there’s no gender-specific way to act, and if we’re getting specific in the case of glamour as a whole it’s a fae thing. Glamour is just the way you act in a more mundane sense and in a more energetic sense, not all glamour is a spell, glamour can be done through direct energy work/aura work as well.

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So through glamour work and aura manipulation, i can be irresistible to the female gender?

aura manipulation can go under glamour because you’re manipulating your aura to make yourself be perceived a certain way. However, doesn’t mean every girl will be like “oh I want him, I have to have him” but more that it could lead to more female interactions and further down those lines.

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Thx for the clarification

Can you share tips on how to manipulate your aura please. Thanks

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