Magickal protection at casinos, and related musings

So, I’ve heard people mention (with conviction and apparent authority in some cases) that casinos, or at least the bigger casinos, will have magickal protection or at least detection against magicians and psychics who use their abilities to tip the odds.

When one considers spells to make money, of course winning at gambling comes to mind. In conventional cheating against casinos, all manner of non-magickal aids are used: surveillance, inebriation, a number of psychological tools (switching dealers, distraction, coolers), and plain old mathematics (all casino games are statistically in favor of the house).

I would like to hear a discussion of this, especially those of you who can speak with authority on this topic. What sorts of protections are used? What do you expect the distribution to be - random, mostly high-end casinos, etc.? Belief in magick is pretty sketchy in our society, so how many egomaniac casino managers would pay a magician, psychic or group of them to add magickal security?

Also, what measures would likely circumvent those protections? For instance, a person using intuition/foresight to predict cards might be detected where an entity skewing odds toward you may not. Forcing cards/dice/slots to bring up favorable draws may be noticed, where a money square doing the same thing more subtly may not.

I find this interesting not merely on the topic of money magick, but also from a sociological standpoint - at what points in our culture is magick taken to be a real thing, in this case a potential threat? While the mainstream culture considers belief in magick to be superstition and many of those who do believe have no real knowledge to justify their beliefs, there are undercurrents who do understand enough to act on that knowledge. And those undercurrents likely act in such a way as to maintain the veil of secrecy. After all, it is much easier to quietly eliminate and discredit the opposition than to allow the information to become acknowledged as real, at which point you become flooded with aspirants attempting to learn the newly “discovered” skills.

Yeah I recently had this confirmed when I happened to come into posession of a certain something. I plan to put it to the test this spring after a couple other things happen.

I have always been fascinated by the symbolism on the carpets, walls, in the art and the layout of casino floors. I was never sure if it was designed to attract money in or to protect against those with occult power.

The biggest thing that I have seen, is that certain casinos especially, put up some kind of interference for your psychic sense. This is two fold, the first being the actual interference, the second being used against those who can still manage to quiet their mind, being misleading voices. There are spirits occupying these casinos, and that is an undeniable fact. In the presence of this many people in crazy emotional states, that are amplified by drug use of just about every kind, this is a feeding frenzy for all kinds of malevolent spirits. Some of these spirits seem to be bound to certain casinos, and they feed information that’s not true to get you disappointed.

There is a stagnant energy in humans, that is only released in times of fear and pain, demons usually feed on this, and in times where they have attacked me for it, I have been able to release it for mutual benefit. However, in Casinos on the strip, this doesn’t seem to be possible. Your best bet is to ignore the voices, because if they feed you correct answers, it’s to build up anticipation and huge disappointment when you loose a large sum of money. And if you piss them off, they are likely to cause problems afterwards.

However, one day I was exploring a subterranean tunnel in vegas, (which vegas has over 300 miles of), and I found a satanic ritual site that left a few clues as to the fact that the person knew what they were doing. I didn’t have much of an opportunity to get the spirits that so obviously followed me home to leave me alone because I was with someone and didn’t want to do banishings in front of them…But the moment I set foot in the Rio casino, I felt grateful that someone put up a barrier to dampen spiritual effects. Where the spirits do not have lease.

There are weaknesses to it, but you’ll have to find them by testing the waters. Every casino is different, although many can have similar defenses

I would normally think this is bullshit, but people I’ve gone gambling with have confirmed this (the sensitive ones). They are aware the game is rigged. The psychic defense is coupled with card tricks in certain games like blackjack and using your psychic sense, you can cause a dealer to get a wildly different spread than they seem to have been expecting, this will get you noticed, and I’ve had plenty of times where the supervisor comes to my table and starts looking at my hand and watching over the dealer. This is usually a little after people at the table scream at me for taking insane risks to get to 21.

Avoid the Bellagio, would you trust someone who put this in their lobby for fucking decoration?


That’s right, they spent thousands of dollars creating an obelisk out of quartz for fun…And because it completely doesn’t match the theme of this stupid hotel. There’s something going on here, and they look out for people who do insanely well, so stay for a little while, win some money, and leave…If you ever go to one of these casinos to gamble (something I do not advise). Go to smaller places, even in Vegas.

At these casinos, employees are brazen about not following rules. On multiple occasions (several times per occasion), when I was apparently given the “right” to cut the deck, the dealer took my card out and put it wherever she fucking wanted (not cool).

Either way, the kind of people who want to spend a billion dollars making a casino are the kind of people who would pay black magicians to rig the odds for them.

Best of Luck
-Frater Apotheosis

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Pretty interesting stuff. Thanks for the write-up. :slight_smile:

Sorry it took so long, the BALG forum usually logs me out before I can post it, then the post is lost in the abyss, so I’m glad I could finally post it lol.

Anyone know where to apply for the job of Black Magickian at casinos? They would have to find quality sorcerers to set up this kind of defense system. Seems like that would be a golden opportunity for some of us to cash in on. Also I’ve known some guys who were very skilled in a Blackjack betting system, I used to work with them on MS. Carnival Destiny. Every week when we hit the port of Aruba my boys would hit up the casino. Without fail those guys would each walk with $700-1500 each. There were three guys, that always won! They of course refuse to give up their system!

I imagine that to get that sort of job they would find you rather then you finding them. They don’t want people to know about this sort of thing afterall.

In Asia magickal Fus are forbidden in casinos. Taoist secret dot com has these listed. Vary interesting stuff

Interesting, I wasn’t aware of that.

I have a friend in Singapore whose sister works at one of the 2 big resorts/casinos over there, and apparently when someone wins a SERIOUS amount money from gambling in their casino, that person is invited to stay the night in one of 3 specific suites. Unbeknownst to the guest, these rooms have supposedly been prepared and charged with extremely negative energy to ensure that something terrible happens to the guest. I don’t know if it’s true but it wouldn’t surprise me if it is.

That crystal is probably a lot more than thousands. There hand blown glass ceiling ( if its still there) is worth several millions, we use to go there for business and I knew several pit boss’s casino owners and other high profile people from all walks of life. Those people were ruthless business men, better head to Reno!

I have no doubt casinos use some type of frequency dampening to block psychic ability. If our government uses these or at least “researched it’s use” during the Cold War along as did our enemies it seems quite reasonable casinos who rake in literal and figurative tons of cash have it within their budget and ability.

Let’s say for arguments sake a casino utilizes 10 radionic machines to block psychic abilities. If these machines increase their revenue by a quarter of a percent they have made their money back and then some.

I don’t know if they do hire magicians to magickally protect or attack the place but I wouldn’t be surprised if some type of invisibility spell or confusion spell was in place. If they take the time to hire people to pose as fellow gamblers just to annoy and break the concentration of other gamblers while scouting for cheaters I definetly consider it plausible magicians are there as well.

So being kind of new to the magick thing, Frater Apotheosis mentioned the quartz crystal obelisk in front of the Bellagio…What does or what properties does quartz crystal have that would effect individuals doing magick and/or individuals with pyschic abilities?

quartz possesses quantum properties, that’s why manufactured quartz crystals can be put in lasers to make the beam of light never diverge even after being shot 1 million miles. Even a regular deceased person can interact with these crystals if they want. In cases of recorded experiments with the dead, it has resulted in causing them to levitate and do all kinds of strange things like stay visible but if someone were to grab it they would see their hand go through it because it’s not physical, then the spirit can return it to normal. The crystal also has some property of amplifying the energy around it, and the energy and forces of other crystals…

Now imagine a giant obelisk, a ritual device, made entirely of this powerful stone. It might not be the most powerful stone in existence, but there certainly is a lot of it, and if a spirit is bound to it, they can focus the obelisk’s might to their will. These things don’t always get used for good, and if it’s in a room that contains gambling, hookers, and drugs, you should probably not get any rosy feelings about it.

I don’t specialize in this technology too much, but there is a great deal that can be done with quartz, or with other special stones.

I hope this gives you or anyone the answer you were looking for.

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

Thanks Frater Apotheosis. I’m not really well versed in the whole ‘crystal energy’ thing. Mainly cause I think I have my plate occupied with just learning magick practice and such. But very useful info none the less!

Frater Apotheosis thank you so much for this post! I am a gambler and have noticed many of the tactics you have mentioned. And, yes, it can be very frustrating to deal with…very frustrating.

I mostly play video poker.

Would you happen to have any other information related to this specific or general or any websites or resources that you have found useful?

Many Blessings! Tamara

i like to go to the casino we have in wetumpka alabama i can sneak in a lot (i have to cause they card just about everybody and im not old enough yet) however i do this so i can keep tabs on which machines are cashing in what algorithms are being used and what system do they have. it seems living in small town alabama everybody is a christian and wont use things like this, however its owned by the natives so native american magick system may be in play? however i have been able to figure out what i was looking for. it doesnt seem as if there are any systems being used magically. so i have a feeling if i did an invocation of asmoday i would emerge as a winner

however i do this so i can keep tabs on which machines are cashing in what algorithms are being used and what system do they have. it seems Ooops! Super messed up this post. I “quoted” and then forgot to put my stuff in.

Hi, Steven!

I have a couple of questions about your post. Just like you I also keep track of what machines are cashing in.

“what algorithms are being used.” I play video poker and I don’t know if that is what you are referring to or not. What games/types of games do you play? - video poker vs slots.

In video poker most of the time I play Triple Double Bonus Poker. I used to think that I could tell when certain machines were going to pay off.

But about 25% of the time it seems that the algorithm is totally different. I thought that the algorithms were set in the machine. Are they able to change them or are you talking about the algorithms within a larger algorithm?

I was wondering if you could elaborate on “what system they are using?” I’m not sure what this means…

Last one, lol.

“living in small town alabama everybody is a christian and wont use things like this”

I’m not sure what you are talking about here. Are you talking about casinos in general or are the “things” that you are talking about something else?

As a fellow gambler I would be interested in what you have to say about this…

Thanks and Super Good Luck!

i worded the whole comment weirdly so yeah, but the algorithms are in the black jack game the machine that shuffles the cards has an algorithm to make sure that the cards come out in random order, but it can be figured out if payed enough attention to you can predict very closely to what card will come next,

the machines i havent quite figured out one week section a will hit lucky next week section b and they change up so im still trying to figure out if its just coincidence or if it can be figured out just like black jack,

by living in small town alabama i mean i doubt that the christian majority (or it would seem) wouldnt allow any kind of magick to be used. so i dont know if they have any protection against people walking in possessed by say, asmoday seeing as he rules the gambling house,

just things ive noticed and think may or may not be happening

by living in small town alabama i mean i doubt that the christian majority (or it would seem) wouldnt allow any kind of magick to be used. so i dont know if they have any protection against people walking in possessed by say, asmoday seeing as he rules the gambling house,

Shoot! I did it again. Oh, well…

Very interesting. It’s amazing the lengths to which some casinos will go to protect themselves from the likes of us. Lol.

I’d love to see posts from others who gamble and the things that they have noticed or experienced…