Magickal Murder - 2018

Greetings Everyone, I had made a topic thread called Magickal Murder back in 2012 based off of an e-mail that had been sent out. I decided that it might be a neat idea to re-post and see peoples thoughts and experiences now in comparison to back then…

Magickal Murder - 2018

I received one of the B.A.L.G. e-mails, and the topic was “Magickal Murder”…

E.A. wrote the following…"Once the black magician has concluded such an operation, and once indeed his victim does die, as he or she surely will, the Operator finds himself in a peculiar position. He has used the Powers of Darkness to murder, and his soul is lost and alone. Generally, there are three basic reactions to this.

The Sorcerer is horrified by his own hideous actions,
and is terrified of the power that humans should not
possess, and he remains horrified by it for quite some
time, no longer creating Magick or practicing ritual.

The Black Magician immediately turns from the occult
and flees back into the arms of a religion that would
excommunicate him if they knew the extent of his evil, or
believed his claims of it.

The Black Magician revels in the powers of death which
he has summoned, as well as the actual demise of his victim,
singing and dancing as his sinister goal is achieved."

My question is do you agree or disagree? Does anyone have their own personal experience with this, and if so how has it effected your spiritual path?


The third scenario is obviously the best. AFAIK, I have not yet magically murdered anybody.


None of the above for me, I’ll re-post something I wrote:

All is one, as ancient Eastern scripture teaches, and as many a mystic and mage has experienced.

And we are all one with the source of ALL life, therefore all life emanates forth from us.

Therefore, killing some bastards, in large or small numbers, and provided you do it with magick to affirm you’re acting as a god and not a mere ape, is like blowing your nose - removal of self-created but unwanted material.


I would like to offer a fourth scenario. If the target was a threat to the life of the magician and or his or her loved ones it is quite possible for the magician to feel nothing, because ultimately the the spells of removing a persons body from the earth is just that, as the soul still has its mission and purpose, the baneful act will only temporarily remove this soul from its course redirecting it to a new path offering a renewed opportunity as they complete the task that was assigned to them in the stars. It has to do with an inert love for all of gods creation, but out of that same god given instinct the will to survive.
I would like to end my statement with these congo words of wisdom. “I do not cry over my enemies graves”


I agree with just a little difference, I would still feel something. I would feel like why did you make me do this, you brought this down upon yourself. But that feeling will only last but for a short time, not to the point that it stops me from continuing on with my life. But keeping it as real as I can taking a life even if it is justified changes you forever.


The quoted passage by EA seems to be referring to one’s reaction after accomplishing magickal murder for the very first time… I can see how repetition might make one blasé over the whole affair, but killing someone is generally seen as not an insignificant thing in our society and breaking such an ingrained taboo usually tends to precipitate at least some kind of reaction or perspective shift on the part of a (non-sociopathic) perpetrator.


You THINK you would. But you wouldn’t. When you have exhausted every resource to stop someone who is actively trying to hurt or even kill your loved family member and it is kill or be (or worse - watch your child or spouse) killed then there is only relief and this… I don’t know how to say it, vindictive? Spiteful? This, you got what you deserved mother fucker attitude. I have the personality that is not typically violent. I tend to let bugs out the house instead of killing them. I wish no bad on anyone. People can do shit to me and I let it go because it doesn’t really matter. So as far as being a passivist I guess I am pretty far up the scale. I am just chill and I like to keep a smile on my face. Live and let live and all that crap. HOWEVER. I keep that smile because the other side of me is a beast. The demons have actually used those words to describe me, themselves. Which made me feel weird. It was like they were saying I was worse than them… ehh. Whatever. I am what I am. I’m rambling.

What I’m trying to say is maybe I am different from you, and I am sorry for rationalizing this and saying you would feel like I did. But when you get backed into a corner and have to come out fighting, there is no remorse. Only a resentful satisfaction. Satisfaction being the key word for me. Does that make me a sociopath? I really don’t care. They should have listened, and they should not have tried to hurt my daughter.


In the instance you have described I agree with you 100%. In fact the way you described yourself is exactly the same way I’d describe myself with the exception of mosquitoes and roaches they must die. I see your point.


This excerpt from Hitman, A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors may have some relevance to this thread with regards to how murder changes one’s perspective:


You just described me to a T. Only my reasoning for doing baneful work on one person is because until there is allowed to be space between us I am not able to find someone to start my family with due to this persons mental and physical state. If I left I would be the one who did wrong, the one judged and in such a small place it would ruin my chance of work. If they get sick to the point of needing hospitalisation and afterwards care somewhere that leaves me free with absolutely no guilt about what I have done. The others - well you throw a rock at a bull you better expect a horn somewhere that won’t be good for you. Point being if someone punched George Foreman I am pretty sure he would be able to knock them on their ars and this is how I see it. You piss me off to the extent I think about killing you through magic, not my fault. Not done it yet. But I do have goofer dust I am going to be using. That for me is all the intent I need in that kind of working - I know what it does, how it works, if I lay it somewhere I fully intend for that to happen.


after my first kill i did shy away from magic for a while, and i did get a little lazy.

not because i was horrified at my power, but because i was so impressed with myself. i honestly didn’t think an amateur magician like me (at the time) could pull off such an operation. i was stupefied by my own ability.

this led to a confidence in myself that has seen me through a great many spiritual battles. “I AM A GOD” is not just a saying in my case, its the fucking truth and i love the new world and all its new possiblities…just wish i was better at money magic lol …killing people is easy…making money, thats the hard bit.


Apologise for inadvertently putting in a post that didn’t answer your question. Mine would be #3 without question even though it’s a not yet thing. I know my personality and success through this or any other spells or workings will only drive me further into it. I would be happy that what I have wanted to happen has happened.


Do you rejoice in the extermination of pests? of insects or any other creature which is an annoyance? Sometimes you do but more often there is just apathetic satisfaction or the joy of playing with fire and insects like a magnifying glass to an ant.


That’s a good post :slight_smile:

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Thank you for sharing another perspective, I can understand it…

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I have felt that way myself @DragonPhoenix777 a few times when it came to baneful workings. I attempt to be as balanced and rational as possible, and use them only as a last resort. Some people in my opinion take things a bit far for issues that aren’t that serious.

@Nyxifer Thank you for the excerpt, it has some valuable information. Taking a life, or altering a life whether positive or negative does indeed make an impression on one’s psyche. Generally there is more of a reaction from a negative catalyst. It it true about the ego.


I would like to thank everyone that has replied so far, it is great to see the responses and different perspectives here. I just want to let you all know that this post was created from an e-mail that was sent out, and the three options are not of my creation, that was the text within…

Personally, I have done baneful work including magickal murder. However, I do not utilize it unless I feel there is a legitimate reason. People are at all different levels of spiritual and psychological growth; this is a good indicator of their behaviors with people and occult practices overall. Some people just enjoy the power or feel they have something to prove and target and attack for no reason at all, just because they know they can. Should you? Well, that is an individual answer. I was horrified by my actions to a certain degree the first time, but it did not cause me to stop my occult practices. Option number two was not fitting for me. I have definitely had an experience with option number three, however I was not overly gloating or dancing around; I value life and think it is precious. I tend to treat others how I would like to be treated, and understand that sometimes we all can be hurtful towards others, and many times it is unintentional. Sometimes others actions towards us have nothing to do with “us” at all, it is their own hang up. Of course, there are some lines that you just don’t cross, and when that happens, have no mercy…


Personally, I reserve death for those cases where immediate removal is necessary, in terms of wrath, I like to be more creative.


IMO that is an illusion of superiority.

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i totally agree, i only use this skillset when i am threatened directly.

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