Magickal Methods To Save My Family Urgently Needed!

  1. Indeed. Those are not actually “weird”–nothing is weird/normal and everything is weird/normal–but just perfect correspondences to your individual consciousness at any instant.

  2. It’s not about being “nice” to others: it’s about being nice to you as evidenced by the general feeling the definition of the ritual outcome brings in you. The negative emotion you feel is the result of accepting the illusion of separation as the truth and fighting back just keeps you chained to the limitation. In fact, all too often, the so-called achievement of negative outcomes very often results in greater bondage to the illusion. Please remember, right and wrong are not absolute realities–not even in duality–but cause-and-effect is immutable and totally inescapable if one is attached to the illusion. Finally, as I said in (4) in my previous post: the net result of any experience is the feeling: how does your outcome feel to you? Whatever approach you choose I strongly suggest defining your ritual outcome according to how it feels to you
    All that said, anger is probably better than fear, helplessness and trying to please others but be very cautious about making fixed judgements because nothing that is in your experience is truly separate from your consciousness. Judge not that ye be not judged is utterly valid on multiple levels for God–your True Self–cannot and does not actually discern or judge.

  3. No need to order it unless you want a hard copy. It is free as far as I know and among the simplest.

  4. You don’t need any spirit oriented rituals for inner peace: just meditate and practice being present in the moment in day-to-day life. Perhaps spend 30 seconds - 2 minutes every hour to quickly, perhaps even mechanically, list–just recognise or notice the things in your experience that you value. I’d suggest reading/watching “The Secret” trilogy by Rhonda Byrne ( :slight_smile: it’s a bit commercial but the fundamental principle is immutable :slight_smile:), read all of Neville Goddard’s work–free online, watch a lot of Abraham-Hicks videos to glean the essential (repeating) principles but not the specific answers she channels to attendees at her workshop, read the The Kybalion etc. You could also engage in yoga or any other physical activity to “burn” off some of that negativity.