Magickal Journal, Musings and Music!

So I decided to start a little journal here becasue I’m getting serious with my workings with various Beings. I also employ methods characteristic of chaos magick and use metaphysical tools as well.

This journal is gonna get NSFW should everything work as intended, you have been warned. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I recently devised a handy system which mixes tradition with modernity (classic workings with, f. in., Goetic Daemons and metaphysical tools) and now I will be putting it to the test. :slight_smile:

Prepared the first bunch of spells working with Goetic Daemons yesterday night and it feels really good. F. in. I made some requests of Sitri, regarding sexuality and attractiveness, and now I’m in a frisky mood and listening to kinky songs. If things continue unfolding in this direction, then we’re golden.

Here’s one I’ve been playing on loop today:

Pretty frisky!

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Prepared some more spells, Beleth has joined the fray. Feels very invigorating!

I’ve been having this feeling these past couple of weeks that I’m on the verge of a big breakthrough in my magickal workings. It’s an amazing feeling.

I do hate it, though, when I’m working my magick and mundane tasks demand my attention, like boring work. Don’t you hate it, too? :smiley: Oyy, back to work, I guess.

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Prepared some more spells today. I am taking it day by day, contemplating my options, finessing my technique (which is deceptively straighforward).

I am on the precipice of overcoming lordly bullshittery and becoming, in Nietzschean terms, truly immoral. Shouldn’t take more than a couple of months. Easy-peasy.

Let’s celebrate with a song:

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You know, I was intending to prepare a straightforward binding and, shall we say, “forceful justice” spell for an ex of mine who, even after all these years, keeps slandering me (especially to attractive women, trying to prevent me from finding anyone else) and suchlike, but inspired by the new “Demon Curse Magick” book I’m also going to curse her with something that’s going to really, really sting. Taking my sweet time with it, too, enjoying the process, the sense of power and retribution that simply thinking about this provides me with, the cathartic release of rage.

A song to accompany this:

Hear my call! Leviathan
Bless my path! Asmodeus
Lift me up! Belial
Through Thy wrath my will manifests


The curse is in place. I am also implementing a reverse of the curse (a blessing, I guess) for my own benefit. The binding will follow soon after.

I’ve refined my system further, making some changes to my spells. But it feels good. Taking it slowly, gradually. Letting the magick unfold.

I am liberating from enforced preconceptions at lightning speed.

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