Magick. How powerful is it REALLY?

Lol slightly at first but mostly just extremely uncomfortably erotic, like a non consensual fullbody orgasm.

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Whas it hard to evoke this demon?

sounds a bit like kundalini.


Define hard. The most difficult part for me is trying to formulate the words needed to make my request while in a deep ass trance not knowing my head from my ass. But the more you do it the easier it gets and eventually it becomes second nature, almost as if the ritual is doing you, if that makes sense.


do you feel any different any doing it with your girlfriend? with the harvesting and all.

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Sweet. Yeah practice is key. Have you Done this alot?

Sorry, I meant for a long time?

Defining hard: Did you have to use a lot of props and set ups and in a specific hour on a specifik day to a specific direcion etc etc

Yes I have noticed I become exhausted very quickly almost to the point of not being able to finish. So much so that I’m planning on revising the pact and just offering blood to seal the deal instead.

I’ve only been practicing evocation regularly for a couple years. Up until early 2016 I was merely an arm chair crisis magician/psychonaut.

Also setting, tools, time of day, correspondences, etc. I’ve found to be rather arbitrary. The specifics dont matter a whole lot. If you feel like you need to wait for a specific moon phase and have all the proper magickal implements, perfumes, fancy garb, etc in order to be successful then perhaps you do, but I dont. I just do the ritual when the urge arises with what I have, which is usually a table, a chair, a triangle, some hooka coals, copal resin, a sigil, maybe a couple candles, and a syringe.


Ok. I suffer from clinical severe depression and severe anxiety ddisorders and take meds and stuff. Is it dangerous to gamble with this things with these desieses?


Yes. They have feed off of those negative emotions. Wandering spirits specifically will be attracted to you during magic work, in my opinion. They aren’t too much of a problem as long as you do banishings and protections.


I also suffer from major depressive disorder and take meds. Personally I haven’t run into any problems. In fact the sense of empowerment I’ve achieved from my successes has done wonders for my self esteem and my depressive tendencies have subsided quite a bit.


Good. I feel the same.


I used to have the same stuff but one day I found out my sacral chakra was closed after I opened it I have never felt depressed since


How did you open it my man? And why do we feel sexual arousal if the stimulate the mulhahadra? I thought the sex center/chackra was the second one under the navel. The yellow one.

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Nope it’s the root


Hm, okej :thinking:

And me opening mine I have a friend that’s good with energy work but if you want… I figured out a way to do it on my own

But you have to be a vampire

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Steal energy?