Magick Food - Power Hungry and Hungry at the same time

No i didn’t assume anything about you if you read closely i didn’t say you and i can tell we are the opposite side of the spectrum.

As i understand negative and positive energies and powers need to be used to stay balanced think of the human like a battery if we only had a positive current it would ruin the flow of the current same with just negative.

I however don’t work with angels anymore i used to but they have so much egregore and human influence they are basiucally currents of humanity hopes and faith.

Hope and Faith are counterproductive but as for possession, i think it can be the most benevolent and malevolent, it all depends on the spirit for example i had a apprentice who had a terrifying possession with an angel and he had a loving calm possession with a demon.

I found it interesting how you said the earth is full with energy why would you need more …

Because the pollution of earth effects it energetically, its the weakest of elements the planet is actually dying and it has a extremely low vibration, to evolve we need to tap into better energies than gunky polluted earth/. i do use earth but its not always the best option.

As i also said none of what i said was directed at you it is directed to new age rebellious teens sitting with a rock and asking the rock to say yes or no :joy:.

Because sometimes the tool can be used but you’ll get so many who become dependent, i can tell you took everything i said as if it was aimed at you, if it was i would have messaged you.

I am saying these things so the beginners in this forum who might come across this will understand better alternatives, without wasting so much of their time and energy depending on a tool, the true magus is only dependent on themselves.

So just wanted to clear that up :blush:


I see, thank you for explaining, ahh I know about teens had a couple of my own once. lol

I think I mostly do agree with what you are now saying so, especially about the energetics of earth and what not. True it does affect the way energy plays out and affects us.

My piece of earth is pretty good, we don’t use chemicals on the grass or veggies we grow so I know our niche is okay as far as energy because all the critters love coming onto it and boy do they make themselves at home! lol have to laugh. There again you are correct about the majority of the planet needing to be de-gunked.

Well hey, have a peaceful evening k?

Thank you. I did this last night and had one of the best meals I’ve ever eaten and lots of feel good vibes. I love cooking and think it is an amazing experience as is and inviting a special guest made it better and improved my relationship with him.