Magical teachers

Are there teachers who actually act like teachers, assigning rituals, analyzing journals, criticizing where needed, advising where needed?
How much is the going rate for folks that don’t make a lot?
Or, is a better way a group ritual, that a new project occurs every month?

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Actually it’s best if you do the work on your own then the ideology you develop will be your own and not someone else’s. I know things get frustrating at times but keep pushing through it and you’ll have some amazing achievements I promise you you no one on here is allowed to charge anyone for their expertise per say other than C.Kendall. I hope this helps you out.


Yes, I am also active as a magical teacher, but there are few students who are really interested in a serious magical development and are not just looking for a quick solution to current problems. Funnily enough, I have often had the experience that if you help the student to solve his problems then the student disappears too.


I wonder why he is an exception but I simultaneously appreciate that he offers such services.

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I take classes whit a guy the rate is fair since he’s not versed in American I guess magick or Europe magick, so it’s cheap,it’s good bcse u read and do a lot of rituals in you own but westions always arise,and it may surprise you to knw, the south America magick has old roots in enochian, demonology,etc,due people immigration to south America,

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And here is where I find the problem. As a community that is shunned on, we should be supporting each other not charging each other. Some back away because it can be frustrating and when they ask for help get pointed to a web site where you can book a consultation for a nice hefty price. We can’t grow stronger if there is a price tag attached. I will say that I have learned more from reading what is posted in these forums than anywhere else. Everyone should be proud of that. Love you all for it.


I noticed this same thing and I make it known that I don’t take on students. I also don’t believe in the master pupil dynamic. In my view we are all equals striving for our own development. I don’t see myself as a teacher but more as a traveling companion on the journey of the left Hand Path. Also this is kind of the whole main fundamental entire difference between the LHP and the RHP. LHP is a path carved by the traveler who explores freely to choose their destination. RHP is following a well established and paved road to a predetermined place. This entire concept is diametrically opposed to the concept of a master.

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master”.

-Ernest Hemingway


My post was removed,even I make clear I was not offering nothing just suggest why,tink tis Corbin hargrove,Damon brand Jason Miller,listing if they students nobody complain,Rey have a gold mine of knwlge,let’s say their books are not for sale,I will be in line for class trust me,u can read hundred of books sadly most are the same copy at least u are bilingual etc, no I’m not a teacher, and my English is so terrible,but tink will u spend time whit a author so busy and knw u will learn a lot,?

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I do open other books and do some minor rituals, but all evocation I do is via Demons of Magick as someone suggested. When I evoke all 72, and some to complete manifestation, then perhaps I will try the same system with other demons outside of goetia, or other methods.
I stil look through other books, but my loyalty atm is with DoM.

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I’ve been studying and immersing myself in the occult since I was 12 years old. I mastered faerie on my own, so Demonolotry was a completely different experience. I started off reading books from S. Connelly before I even found my mentor C. Kendall and the Becoming a living God path. But one important thing taught to me by C. Kendall was that so much that you find written in books often don’t work. I know that may sound odd but it’s true that a lot of successful methods come not on book pages but from the practiconer themselves.

C. Kendall is super hands on, there in crazy times and honestly got me through the intense shadow work that was extremely overwhelming, yet it is something I loved going through and wouldn’t have gone through without a knowledgeable mentor to guide me. He’s a great teacher but at the moment idk if he’s taking more students. It never hurts to ask and is well worth the money if you can swing it.

I’d say do what feels right. I’ve been a solo practiconer for many years prior to coming to the BALG path. And now I actually prefer working with LHP occultists.




I’m here.
Email your bank account and all your plastic cards details to me and we’ll get started. You want a Magickal grade? For a fee, I can issue you that certificate and I’ll sign it! Just think, your own computer printed Magickal grade certificate, and it’s signed by me! Just hold that poignant thought in your heart for a moment.

So, you let me know by emailing me all your above specified details. It’s your call. If you’re prepared to just walk away from what I guarantee you will be a life changing experience, that’s a matter for you. And don’t even try to deny it, because deep in your soul you know I’m your Teacher. So why wait?



If you start off doing it your way- reading and learning for yourself- you will eventually come to a point where you will benefit GREATLY from a teacher. Gaps will be filled in that you never even knew were there.
Conversely, if you start off with a teacher- you WILL come to a point that you need to fire the teacher in order to realize your own power.

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Fire a teacher, interesting.

I dont think there’s a need to “fire” anyone. I grow with my Mentor. I help him as he helps me.

I didn’t employ him. I asked if he’d guide me in a path I had no experience in. My Mentor is a dear friend whom I work with magickally often.

As for past “mentors” in faerie, they are also now close personal friends I speak to often. They enriched my life not just my path. Some people have that gift and it’s a beautiful thing.

Imo there’s no hierarchy when it comes to magick. Just my devil’s advocate and personal experience side, to each their own naturally.

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The student/mentor dynamic is highly overrated in my own opinion. Yes, there will be times you’ll need guidance in a specific spell or ritual and those are when you may choose to search out help from someone more versed in whatever path you are choosing to learn and or walk. But like I said earlier if you choose to go that route their ideology becomes yours and not your own in my own opinion. I had a mentor when I was quite young that taught me the basics of my craft or path that I was walking. I feel he held me back in many ways and did not like hearing about the LHP ideas or what not.
There are many ways in which you on your own can develop your skills to which you’d even amaze yourself. All you have to do is try and learn. Your failures will be what you learn from the most your success not so much but there is still something to learn in them as well. You are your own greatest teacher and you have the freedom to do as you will and go at your own speed so to speak. What it all boils down to is your dedication and determination on what you want to do and path-working you choose to learn at a specific time in your journey that we call magick… You have all the tools at your disposal already you just have to choose when and where to use them and at what time as well.
You’ve got this my friend just take a deep breath and look before you leap and you’ll be just fine. When you run into a wall so to speak just reach out to those on the forum that you see to be sincere and knowledgeable in there own UPG and pathworking and ask them for their advice. 9 times out of 10 they’ll be more than willing to help you in whatever it is you need help in. I hope this helps you out and helps you grow in whatever path you choose to walk in…

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I was speaking figuratively- not literally…
It’s the same as saying “kill the child” when it’s time for someone to grow up.
Of course no one is being “fired” literally and of course no children are being “killed.” :roll_eyes:

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Um, ok then?:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::black_heart:

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Why yes, those would be the spirits.

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