Without any “offending” my biggest fear that during a ritual I will feel weird that everyone is happy celebrating with their family and I’m doing some weird thing in the middle of the night.
While there is a definite energy to this time of the year, it is not specifically tied to the holiday, it’s more tied to the solstice, and the shift towards more sunlight after the dark of winter.
You do whatever weird thing you want during the holidays.
This is what the left-hand path is about - going against the flow; doing what everybody else doesn’t do, alienation and antinomianism! You are supposed to feel weird!
Magick is only a weird thing if you make it out to be. There’s nothing weird about doing magick in the middle of the night, even if it’s a holiday.
After the move, my family and I live near our relatives. Two of my uncles (and aunts) live three to five minutes away. My other aunt and uncle live about 20. My cousins live about 2 hours away. So, I guess I’m pretty much in the ideal situation this holiday season.