Made Contact with Belial- now what?

Actually, I am not doing everythng right. I am just bumbling, but have been trying to put in alot of devotion, effort and consistancy. Though the maifestation may seem kinda small- there is no doubt. I have a candle with Belials sigil (The Dukante- as the ‘goetic sigil’ keeps getting knocked down) and was noticing when Entoning Belials Enn, the flame would not be much- pretty small really, but when I would get to ‘Vefa’ it would literally leap to about 4 inches, and pretty seriously ‘dance around and spark’. I would continue to entone- trying to put more mental juice into it, the flame would mellow down, then at “Vefa” POW! . I thought this was really pretty great, so i took another of the 3 candles, scribed his sigil on it- and the exact same thing would happen, but the remaining candle just sat there. Not going to be surprised when I scribe the 3rd candle, but thinking not to just to see the contrast. My question is. What next- maybe try a pendulum for asking questions like you recommend? Could this be a good way to find elements for making a future pact- or is there a better idea?
But a bigger Q has come up- due to the work i have been doing so far; he ‘refered Odin’ to me- I was not catching the net as Odin kept trying to get my attn and I kept saying 'yeah yeah- lemme finish this first- finally a wonderful person on your forum just out and told me- "Hey, you do Know Odin is tryiing to get your attn, right? he has been at it for awhile, why haven’t you ‘replied’? (aduh, i’m really slow?){:P> Appearantly The Entities work together more than we are aware- and sometimes prepared for. Just feeling way out of my depth- any suggestions how I pull this new Force in and “Demonically multitask”?
Thanks, and Magor Power and Progress for all you have done and all you will do!

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Belial is trying to tell you that it isn’t so much Odin working togethor with Belial, as it is a very special crafting of knowledge into a new magickal sphere (like combining things). The knowledge is intimately tied to a certain Anti-Christs awakening.

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