I was mediating on the Universal Circle i recently bought and i wrote a thing. It was like i was hearing the words over and over until i wrote them down. That was so intense x.x
"By the Four Gatekeepers I now decree,
Azazel, Abaddon, Amaymon, Belial listen and hear me!
O Azazel, Keeper of secrets dark and deep,
With your infernal power, this gate I too shall keep.
This gate between realms, strong and profound,
In your fearsome essence, let infinite power be found!
O Abaddon, Lord of the Abyss I call on your might,
In shadows eternal, darker than night.
Ride forth from the void, with chaos and power,
Unleash your limitless energies to this gate empower!
O Amaymon, Keeper of the Black Sun,
Empower this gate, have my will be done.
Infuse it with your dark radiance, dark energy and light,
Let the black sun’s power charge this gates might!
O Belial, King of Earth, with wisdom long past,
By your power, my will, this gate is steadfast.
Keeper of forgotten knowledge, through the veil you penetrate,
Energy bends to our power our will, to empower this circle and gate!
Together now by the power bestowed,
Let this gate open wide as our power grows!
Infernal energies flow, entwined as I weave,
In this circle of might my goals are achieved!
So mote it be, as I craft this decree, As I will it so it is and so it ever shall be."