Lust issue. How to get rid of it?

It doesn`t matter if she is physical woman or spirit. I feel a magnetic attraction to a woman like if my brain had shut down. My animal wild instincts are much stronger than my will. Is it Will problem? Or it is just case of lust? What should I do to develop myself?

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It’s just hormones, they’re ridiculously powerful and do override common sense when then can.
They’re not permanent and will fade in time, and reasonably quickly.

You can try a cord cutting first to visualise cutting the lustful energetic connection reaching from your root to hers, assuming that when you look you find one.
If that doesn’t work my poppet spell helped me with this which is why I developed it years ago.


Lust is the body’s need to release semen if you are male which is a primal instinct. My advice is that you masturbate daily so your body will not lust so much. Do not use iphone or watch porn as supply but instead your pure visualization of that woman you are thinking about. Do it in your bed with light turned off when you about sleep. I personally have an amethyst crystal under my pillow I have charged as this helps to get easier into dreamland so to speak.

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Kinda, anytime you don’t stop yourself your will is not as strong as the addictions will to be fed. You want to indulge only when it’s not an urge. So if you have the urge now, wait until it passes then do it. If it’s only ten minutes later or something that’s okay, as long as you aren’t doing it because of the urge.

Dissociation with the urge will help with the addictions control over you and increase your will power.

Secondly, shadow work.

You need to know this is an addiction instead of a pleasure. Is it because of stress, is it trauma, what intimately led you to this point? Was only giving into every urge you had?

If it’s always just been I do it when I want to, or feel the urge- then yeah, your willpower has been depleted in that moment on that subject, every time you said yea to the urge.

I think it’s okay to please ourselves, but when we are doing it just because the urge arises, we are giving away our preference to that of the addiction and allowing it’s will within us to arise.

It doesn’t take very long with anything, before you’ve got a habit for one, and do it without thinking about it - then find yourself unable to say no.

You’ve not been saying no, so the addiction says why now? It gets angry because it’s not fed, it causes disruptions and discomfort and will do whatever it can to continue existing and being fed.

So. Take back your life one action at a time. It’s not easy to quit something when we’ve fed our need for it and not disciplined ourselves to moderation, to when it’s appropriate and yes sometimes you just want to and that’s okay too if it’s appropriate- you can say yes, as long as you could have said no.

And like with all things, you aren’t going to just up and manage it in one day- or at least not most people. Some can say okay I’m done but most people are way too far in by the time they want to quit to do that. But not everyone that has a long term habit, was always feeding an urge- sometimes they just like it and could have said no but didn’t.

I find this to be true with most cold turkey smokers, they could have said no at any point and just didn’t admit to themselves they could have been nicotine is considered to be 100% addictive 100% of the time, despite the fact that does not take into account individual will power, self disciple or the motives leading to the action.

One day, one masturbation at a time. If you can only say no once a day, that’s ok. Do it until you can say no twice a day and so on.

And yes, the schools of thought always and ever taught don’t actually free you from this if they encourage it as a lust or a need.

Self control and self determination combined with self discipline equals a powerful willpower.

No one really wants anyone to be more powerful than they are, so I personally believe we have been misled on the subject as a whole.

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This actually works for me too :slight_smile: If I’m off in fantasy land about a dude, a good wank sorts me out and I can get on with living. I can also just see the person like a celeb, that’s fun fantasy fodder but mentally cut off the idea of actually getting with them. I don’t use porn so they’re my porn, basically. I’ve occasionally missed that inspiration after the spell has worked, but only one or twice to be fair.

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Back up and view it like any other addiction, or primal instinct rather than association it entirely with magic, spirituality and whether or not it will help you make the life you want in its own.

If you are chained to an addiction, how the hell are you manifesting the life you want by giving into lust for it?

The idea is to choose when you do it, not to do just it just because some chemical in your brain says do it, or some doctrine implores to your physical self that it might be a good idea.

You don’t have mastery of yourself if you can’t tell the urge sorry, you have to wait till it’s convenient for me, imop.

Fear is a primal instinct too, are we to let it decide what we should do?

What about reactions to trauma? Those are combination of primal instinct and conditioned responses, should we not do shadow working to control how our past effects us today?

I lust for a new wardrobe, I’m not going out to buy it until I have money to.

I lust for my husband to call at lunch, but I’m not spam texting him while I wait, or putting aside what I’m doing and obsessing over when it will be.

I lust for booze to deal with asshats, but I am not drinking.

I lust for a peaceful, uninterrupted smoke, but I’m not done hitting reply yet…

Imop there isn’t a right way, but I think mastery of yourself and your primal instincts is how you obtain true power and a strong willpower. To me this is the entire point of living a spiritual life and being on the lhp is supposed to be so you are control and not being controlled.

How the hell is it the lhp, if you can’t control yourself enough to be free to choose for yourself when you want to do something? :blush:

That’s like having a boss in your mind, but instead of saying you have to work today, it says you have to masturbate.

:woman_shrugging: The path of being a slave to your desires is no more the path to enlightenment than believing false truths from a half assed religion is.


I disagree. The LHP often uses the sexual urges and orgasm to raise and release magick and kundalini. Some even uses the released semen to make pact with demons as an alternative to blood. By suppressing your sexual urges you only weakening yourself because you mind spend energy on it and in the end you will never defeat them.
Also you do not seem to read my full post because I do talk about mastery such as not using porn and only do the fapping when you are going to sleep. The best IMHO will be to get a sex doll. Sex dolls can serve as psychodrama and can even be used in rituals to release sexual energy to fuel your magick.

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I think this is a very interesting topic as it relates very well to me.

Lust has always been a problem for me. I always desired to have sex. Roughly six years ago I started masturbation and three years ago I posted a thread and asked for help on how to deal with my masturbation problem. Masturbation had been an uncontrolled addiction.

If you do not start to take control in the initial stages, you will slowly start to succumb to the urges more than ever. One day you might even resort to dangerous things like masturbating in public to get that dopamine spike or sexually harassing a woman which could lead to plenty of problems. You should be able to control your desire and get back your willpower. Lust should not control you or else it will be difficult to achieve things in life.

Throughout my existence, I only thought about sex, masturbation and women. I spent a lot of time on that. If I hadn’t, I surely would have been able to achieve much more remarkable things on top of what I already have now. Just imagine what could be achieved if we stop the sexual desires and actually focused on what is actually important to us in our lives.

My advice is to take it slow. Try to recover from pornography addiction if you have any. Come off of Instagram and TikTok as there is a lot of sexually provocative content there. Try dopamine detox to get your dopamine back to normal levels. This will repair your short-term attention span.

Most importantly, have some fun hobbies. It could be anything like playing the guitar, exercising etc

Now I am also recovering from this bit by bit and I am undergoing counselling.

Hope this helps.


Thank you