I know that sitri is great for getting a lot of girls but I also read he is a strike when the iron is hot kind of demon . Which demon is best for long lasting results ? Also would it help to get help from several demons ?
Dude. Search button… Pretty sure I’ve heard sallos for this…
Up to you. It might make it stronger, but your choice
But I thought sallos was for long relationships
I misread… All of them can have long lasting effects depending on what you ask
Prince Sitri
Ladilok, from Kingdoms of Flame.
Naamah and/or Zepar may be what you are looking for.
Is it okay if I ask one demon/spirit to bring me a specific girl and another to bring me a specific girl and so forth and so on ? Also is this Lilith and Aphrodite’s sigil ? And can they be used for lust to or just love ?
interesting… did it worked ?
Hello I want to know who is the suitable demon for lust FOR BEGINNERS, because I heard sitri is not beginner friendly and asmodai is not a sex,lust,love demon in Henry Archer book