
This could be preaching to the choir, but I found this interesting…

As I have stated have been a life long Odinist, I am fully German on both sides with Scandinavian and Dane, so this path made sense to me many many years ago…

For about a year I have been feeling this very strong pull to Lucifer, been on my mind and just felt a powerful presence etc…

Now that I am feeling him I noticed something…

I understand that centuries of Christianity has been a lie fed to us, lies about “Demons” and lies in general, but this has all been perpetuated by Organized religion and the Catholic church… all lies and deceit that they say Lucifer and Demons represent…

Knowing all of this, now I find that because I have recognized Lucifer in my life and have felt it I do become deeply offended those that disparage him, malign him of just misrepresent him in a misleading light or bad mouth.

The fact he is light, knowledge and the most beautiful of all the angels with his power and majesty and that he indeed has open arms to work with, and shine on you…
I feel this way about Odin and the Norse Gods as well,

I just found it interesting that I have that reaction now and feel almost protective of Lucifer, not that he needs me to defend him… but wow… Kind of like when I was in the Corps, if you shit talk my buddies, start stuff you will get knocked out lol…

General musings :slight_smile:
Chris …


Remember Odin works with many beings in pursuit of his goals in the lore, so you’re not even stepping outside that tradition to do this IMO. :wink:

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