Hi y’all!
I just bought this amazing Lucifer Tarot Deck. But , I’m a little confused on the sigils it shows for the spirit . The original or common sigil is top right and on the bottom left I’m a little lost on. The book doesn’t cover those much . I’ll post a picture here .
Can someone help elaborate on that . Thanks again!

Hmm…they are a bit difficult to make out but the the seals on the lower left might be from the Dukante hierarchy.
@DarkestKnight That’s what i thought . But I’ve never seen those before for a lot of the goetic demons . Let’s see if i can get a better picture
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Nice, thanks for sharing!
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I was mistaken. Those are not the Dukante seals.
No, they are not. I was also mistaken at first. I can’t place them. Perhaps they are the creator’s own invention. Maybe sigils that signify the intent/message/meaning of the individual cards? Now I’m curious. I hope someone can answer this.
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I know some of the sigils are from Grimorium Verum.
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Correct . I noticed that on lucifers card . Also, isn’t that Claunecks Sigil on his card too. I’m guessing clauneck is a form of Lucifer ? Or i may be wrong there . @Deidra_J_Nay
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Also there’s words of power and attributes there . So there’s no real explanation
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Sort of… Clauneck is beloved by Lucifer and could be seen as an aspect of Lucifer bestowing wealth.
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I work with this deck and have always wondered about the dual sigils. The common goetic seals are recognizable but I feel like some of the others (in the top right) are maybe channeled sigils for evocation?
The bottom left really throws me. They seem more squiggly and have that channeled look to them, if that makes sense. Perhaps they’re explained in the other manual for the deck, the one only available in Russian, sold as its own item. It’s curious.
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Correct . And apparently he doesn’t want to do the translation of it either . . Damn