While being in contact with Metatron the name of Lucifer appeared. He said: ‘‘Strip me of all negativity and make me wholly good and you will get Metatron. In that way we are one.’’ This is a very powerful entity. I encourage yuo to try contacting Him for yourselves.
These beings say: Teach Teach Teach. teaching is not just the giving out of knowledge. In the act of teaching as others respond to it Greater power knowledge and becoming is gained. So teach teach teach.
0 - The Apocalypse of Deivis - YouTube hey enjoy
I hate replying to old threads BUT…in this case, I’ll make an exception. A link between the energies of Metatron and Lucifer makes perfect sense to me.
Lucifer is a means, or method really, to ascension. Aligning oneself with the Lucifer energy is essentially imbuing the self with the power of light.
When Enoch ascended, he became Metatron. Aligning oneself with that energy allows us to discover secrets of the architecture of the universe, of existence. Metatron’s cube and all that.