Lucifer is not what we think! We been fooled

The sigil of Lucifer that was on that link is the one I’ve always used and it works just as fine, many times Lucifer has given my alternative seals and sigils too. See the way I look at it is the sigil is like a doorway, lucifer would then be a chamber but the doorway leads to a hallway. There are many hallways and different paths to the same chamber i.e Lucifer. These multiple paths, cross and converge into the same chamber, for example not only do these spirits have multiple seals and sigils. They have multiple different enns, chants and even different pronunciations for the name.

When someone calls me by my first name or a nickname, or calls me on either my work phone or personal number. It’s the same thing, it has the same effect, I don’t believe that this sigil is associated with an imposter at all.


But are you the only person who goes by the name Conner ?

In that space at that time yes indeed I am.

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Plus the very thing that calls the entity isn’t the enn, nor the name, but the intention.


In order for the sigil to have an effect it is well known that the psyche has to be involved, holding the intent then to commune with, said spirit is the key to the gate which is the sigil.


Indeed but not when you shout Conner in the middle of a street which is basically what most beginners are doing when they start evokation

The cases where imposter spirits is most likely, is when someone who is a beginner tries to contact an entity like Lucifer for example. Without actually aligning themselves with that entity, that entities current and vibration. Without immersing oneself into that spirit whatsoever, that would be a foolish move anyway to just jump in evocation without the method of Prepatory Immersion.

If a beginner tries to do a blind evocation for example, expanding the spiritual awareness consciously outwards trying to “pick up” on spirits around them. If that entity then claims to be a certain spirit this could be an imposter in this case.
Same goes for when individuals use pendulums and
Ouija boards,


It’s funny how some align with the ones they say to despise, dogmatic Christians. We read a book and see that as; so called truth.

  1. The bible has left out some Gospels because it doesn’t suite the church.
  2. People have made up connections with Lucifer because it brings them more money.
  3. People offend Lucifer because it brings them more money.
  4. People have said that he is no deity, but just a king and come with a whole different story.

I said it before. Follow your heart and you will see the truth. That’s what magick is about; yourself, your ascend and spirits are there to help. If you want to see it.

Every word Lucifer said to me, he said to my niece too (she hears spirits). I could easily verify. He said things to @Turomir, I could verify
I only need to say his name and he is there. And yes with the sigils we have, he will come. So they are genuine. But his power is much more then one element, so there are more sigils.

He supports my path and my and my niece her path in for example Shamanic meditations and in her Shamanic education. Mine started when @Lady_Eva gave me that PM. And he helps

So you can call him imposter, dictator, fake, whatever you like. But he is the greatest spirit that I and many with me, have worked with.

By the way a similar threat was made about Lilith. I find it disrespectful, but that’s my opinion.
Once again; do what feels right in your heart and you will walk the path you meant to walk and see the truth without letting others decide what’s good for you. If you need help you will be guided to the person, mentor, teacher that resonates with you. Give that some time.

I respect @DarkestKnight because he says what suits him, or doesn’t suit him without judging. A spirit doesn’t have to resonate with you, no hard feelings… It’s like in real life you can get along, or just don’t have a connection…


The greatest trick the …… ever pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist ;-). For me he is much more than the D word…


I would agree we are fooled for a different reason. Will check the book out, and suspected the author’s stance but for different reasons myself…I think the true spirit of Lucifer is MAKING UR OWN PATH/ WAY…

So we be fooled by other magikians…

The V like sigil is that of Saturn so some say. Grimoirium_verum_full_sigil_of_lucifer
Here’s the Wikipedia version…oddly my copy of Grimmiorum Verum has a different glyph that is the one you showed…

And why wouldn’t an enterprising magickian make a pact with an entity, that the sigil evoke that entity, they share it and in return the sigil does something for the magickain to gain from in some way, such as siphoning the energy of all who use it…How would we know???

Honestly, how would we know??


I do believe that this is part of the point.

This thread has become rather unwieldy, so I doubt it would be worth the time to write out much, but I will say that I have yet to experience a magickal tool so potent as the imagination. I’ve used wands, lit candles, walked around a circle while swinging around a sword, chanted all manner of incantations, and have even spilt my own blood in ritual, and none of these methods come close to what I have experienced using the Pathworking method of summoning given by this book.

It’s been a while, but I have read The Grimoire Verum, and it is true that the popular sigil you will find online for Lucifer (the very one in your profile pic) is a modification of the “original” Lucifer in Asia sigil from the GV. I have used this sigil, and again the experience within the ritual and the results that I received out of it pale in comparison to the Pathworking system.

Does that mean that I think this is the only way? No, but I do think that this is an incredibly profound and deep system that builds upon the work of Abraham von Worms (and likely many others after and before him), and was clearly crafted with extensive guidance, over many years, from the Demon Kings.

I also will admit that I find it rather amusing that so many here seem to find the idea of having subordinates to be repellent. It is the purpose of these demon servants to fulfill the desires of those who call upon them. They have a desire to serve their Dukes, the Dukes desire to serve the Kings, the three lesser Kings desire to serve Lucifer, and Lucifer desires to work with those who call upon him. None of the demons act against their will when you approach them as one seeking a symbiotic relationship.

I will also say that I do not see the problem with people selling pendants or other merchandise that people want to buy, or providing services that people are willing to pay for. Some people just want a tarot reader to tell them that everything’s going to be ok, and far be it from me to deny them their sense of safety. Others want to summon up legions of demons and wield immense power, but can’t be bothered to do more than watch a youtube video with catchy music, flashy colors, and someone chanting for them, and again, I do not think it my place to deny these people their fantasies. I believe that those who are born for magick will find the true arts.


I dont think anyone called him an imposter, the point of the thread was something else entirely lol.

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indeed, but let him be… that person is just too lazy to read.

What is pathworking?

if you buy the book it explains it in 2 pages. it costs 7.99. from my understanding so far its basically imagination to certain event to evoke or invoke. no need for tools basically. but trust me you would want to read more to get the whole picture.

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I’m sorry my post wast more then that. My post mentiod that we see truth in what someone writes and we draw a conclusion. What I was saying is that the conclusion is wrong. Based on my experience. And yes I was a bit harsh because of the title.


I’m to lazy to read? Maybe read my whole post. I did read everything in this post. But that doesn’t mean I have to agree with what the author is writing. Or that the Sigil could call an imposter or a derived energy of Lucifer because it’s simply not always true. It partly depends on your skills as a magician.
A week ago I’ve learned you some basics here. I advise you to read some more books about Lucifer and his masks and many other Sigils. And after many rituals you do yourself, if you are interested. Come with a conclusion.

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Another thing is that the basics of Magick is setting our intend. That means if you really want to connect with Lucifer, or another spirit, you could draw your own Sigil or even a drawing and you connect. You could do it without.

If another energy does come through what could happen, you have your Banishing. But i work 3 years with this sigil and I’ve always got the one I want.


I just did a ritual following the books instructions, and let see if it works. I will be updating y’all on the results.


I may be veering off topic. I’ll say what I will say and will leave it alone.Whatever we are really doing when invoking, evoking, I suspect that our bodies are the vehicles from which the beings are projected, and that words and sigils may be formulae by which to project or dare I say construct these entities…I don’t know .

There is an aspect of Lucifer that is female that almost no one pays attention to. She is worth seeking out. I leave it at that. Got the book, am eager to check it out.