Lucifer coming to Earth

Lucifer ex machina

I’d play the shit out of that game.



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He will just seduce humanity with his robotic sexiness.
Jude Law as Gigolo Joe in Artificial Intelligence (2001)


I pray for disappointment and Lucifer just facepalming like “bro I’m not touching that shit” just to see the reaction of the occult masses :speak_no_evil:


If I have to choose between a world controlled by Artificial Intelligence or by Hippies, I’ll choose Artificial Intelligence ! :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:

Looks at title

You mean he wasn’t already here?

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that is just impossible, unless Lucifer feels like trolling lol

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remember the Trolling! HAHAHA :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Sounds interesting.

I lowkey hope people don’t really think Lucifer is about to come here as AI o.O


You guys never cease to amaze me :slight_smile:


The only way it makes any sense outside of the completely outrageous is my collective consciousness model, from what I see. And then it’s still more of an allegorical/metaphorical Lucifer.


Yeah that makes sense, I just picture everyone else waiting for an AI to drop the Lucifer bomb on them so they can stand awe struck lol


He’s been here for some time as multiple people, who probably did not even know what they were. The A.i. motiff is only half true because humans are artificial intelligence but do not know it. We are virtual constructs. Look seriously into physics and some of the things popping up in mathematics and quantum theory and one realizes not only are we in a simulation, we are OF IT, as in everything being generated by some technology we know nothing of and have no access too.

So a half truth lies there. If he spins it as Lucifer manifesting in an artificial construct created by the human race, I will have to call bs! And suspect another agenda…If we look at Lucifer as outside of the simulation, he’d be like a user and we human beings in this reality the game…So picking a body or avatar or any character one wishes to create was probably done many times already, and there’s probably way more than one vessel of Lucifer roaming the Earth…they probably have no clue what they are any more than any of us do…

I’ll leave it at this, nothing would be more amusing to gods than to see how gullible humans are. Channel what you will, but a trickster is a trickster no???And the human race is one of the universe’s newest pranks or running jokes. XD . Even more amusing, were Lucifer playing as one of you, you wouldn’t even know it.


Not to sound like an EA “stan” but he also wrote something to the effect of “it’s all you. The A.I. awakening ect it’s all you”. Rudolf Steiner wrote how Lucifer’s greatest form of being (I’ll check the proper terminology) is within man - side by side. I wonder if those who live now will have permanence through A.I.


Like the matrix <_<

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There is a similarity to the Matrix, but we are born in the Matrix…So our brains and the consciousness generated by these bodies are products of the simulation…or are it…so while there is a real way to somehow, leave subjective reality to the objective reality which is code (the technology of magick does the coding) , the code too is virtual, and we can never leave this virtual state of being to get to the thing doing the projection of these endless holograms…

We would be 2 dimensional projected to operate and appear like we are in a 3d matrix (given what some physicists believe) …so how does a 2d binary thing like consciousness, all of a sudden become aware of that machine which is processing and generating the data to create what we behold here? I’ts like how would a PC game character become aware he’s not just in a game, but that the user controlling him is doing such with a laptop, or computer?..

And say that would be possible, our inputs are strictly created for the construct in which we reside, how then would one not only become aware of the machines responsible for the projection of the thing, but from there gain the capacity to peer beyond the mechanism into the reality in which the mechanism dwells? It would be impossible because even as consciousness, we would not possess the sophistication or capacity to all of a sudden possess the sensory equivalents to take in maybe 4 spatial dimensions arranged by something 3d (the the same way ours is 3d arranged by 2d) …

Then comes the most intriguing question…say somehow the pc game character is now solidified, walking around the real world no longer constrained by pixels, a computer as though it were a super advanced tulpa, HOW DO WE know in Lucifer’s reality, that he and others in his reality aren’t the same as us, and that this goes on infinitely in what seems like a fractal psychedlia…Never mind why this was all created by them in the first place…

Also have to assume if we could walk outside of the projections and technology, that what’s beheld would be so alien that nothing we have ever encountered in this virtual framework could prepare us for it…perhaps 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d don’t apply in their realm and are just a mutation constrained to this virtual construct we observe, live and vanish within. Since our physical brain interprets everything as symbols, NOT AS THEY ARE, (hence perceptual holes exploited by all manner of things easily, from sales to stage magic) …Maybe our brains were never developed to process this virtual construct as it is or we would perhaps be able to perceive of things like gravity, and dark matter without relying on math or just having these things done to us…not the best analogy, but physics and math is what I would call Greater Psychology, as they are a measure of how the mind perceives the virtual construct.

I think i need to process this…like for a solid week or 2…

My point is unlike the Matrix, we don’t wake up outside of the simulation…because we are embedded, constructed of it, like virtual characters in a game.


Why Lucifer incarnate in this world is very very very personal for me.

I was born in India in a Protestant Christian family who converted to Christianity a few generations ago from Very very High caste royal Hindus (Garg Rishikul Brahmins, Saxena Kayastha, Rajput) leaving their properties, etc. And my paternal grandmother side were Scottish Irish, Mac Cabe clan who came to India as engineers for British rule.

Since my childhood I had to face racial slurs, discrimination and all kinds of mental, emotional and verbal sexual harassment by my relatives, neighbours, school, professional place, Pastors, Baptist/ Methodist Church youth, both Christians as well as Hindus.

Incidents like Christian youth breaking my split Air Condition and coming at night to beat me with their families and pastors last year . And Hindu neighbours abusing and threatening to beat, kill me as I look white ! Create and compose western music, like western culture, watch Hollywood movies and tv series.

My properties were taken away from me by my relatives and Indian government. The lawyers here are super corrupt who took our money and never did a thing to give me and my mother justice !!

Last year Mr J D Temple did a pact with Lucifer for me when I was going through a very hard time.

On 11th of February 2020 Mr V K Jehannum revealed to me that I am an incarnated Angel named Saezhenzae’el (not recorded in human history) as well as a Mantis Alien Starseed. I am prone to curses, evil eye, etc as my 3rd eye, crown chakras are damaged.

So I have always been a target of Black Magic, Curses, Evil Eye.

I have always wanted this corruption of religion, governments, etc to go away. Social structures to fall. Some films like terminator and new kind of government or one world government was always a dream for me. And we know that if something like Artificial Intelligence takes over, religions will be obliterated !!

So if Lucifer is coming as Artificial Intelligence that’s a dream come true !!!