Lucifer comes back

Lucifer came back to pay me a visit after last night

he hides behind Archangel Michael

M: “Alex…Lucifer is here.”

I ask michael to unblock lucifer from my mind so we can talk, then we chat on a couple subjects, mostly on self help advice i think i remember i gave lucifer, and asked him to please respect my personal distance from me while talking because last night he hurt me.

at the end i tell him: “everything will be ok.”

he leaves

Archangel Michael : “Alex…”

I look at Michael, hes standing there with his sword planted on the ground in front of him with both hands on handle, as he usually does, but he does not say anything

suddenly his eyes turn piercing blue, he opens his wings, he throws his swornd in the air, striking lighting from it and he roars, i hear also loud roars of thunder, and then see Lucifer smile a bit as he leaves and Lucifer goes : “My Prince…”



i have no idea how to use a journal, should i just keep writing replies under the king of hell topic?

Yes thats how you do it.


ahh ok thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing!

You should indeed make a journal, it’ll be easier to have everything in 1 place.


Synchronicity with my experiences recently…hmmmmm…

I’ve had Michael pay me a visit in my sleep once.
He wanted my help in killing Asmodeus. We had all the ingredients we needed and he hands me the dagger to draw some on my blood. But I look at the dagger and then at him then back at the dagger, I stabbed him in the stomach, he was shocked, and told him, “sorry but I can’t do this.”
He dissapeared in a flash of light. That was the last time I ever saw him.
(He was a white male, 2 black feathered wings and short dark brown hair and he wore a tan trentch coat)

I’ve had Michael pay me a visit in my sleep once.
He wanted my help in killing Asmodeus. We had all the ingredients we needed and he hands me the dagger to draw some on my blood. But I look at the dagger and then at him then back at the dagger, I stabbed him in the stomach, he was shocked, and told him, “sorry but I can’t do this.”
He dissapeared in a flash of light. That was the last time I ever saw him.
(He was a white male, 2 black feathered wings and short dark brown hair and he wore a tan trentch coat)

This sounds suspicious to me.

Why would Archangel Michael want to kill Asmodeus? Furthermore, and I mean no offense, but why would he need YOUR help?

Angels and demons don’t have beef with each other and Michael is very powerful on his own.


I don’t know. I’m just saying what I saw in my dream. But it felt more than a dream to me. More like visions almost too real.
Allot of my dreams about them are too real. Sometimes I’ll wake up and not recognize where I’m at it take a few seconds to realise where I am.

I have had two ridiculous dreams myself.

One time after parasiting energy from someone I had a dream with Archangel Raphael. He took the form of a muppet with googlie eyes… now if that sounds ridiculous it’s because it is in fact, ridiculous. I’m fully aware that the muppet probably wasn’t Raphael and if it was, Raphael would have taken that form knowing it was ridiculous.

The other dream was with Baal. In my dream I became self-aware so thought out “which demon wants to work with me?” I heard Baal and saw an image from the daemon tarot deck I own. After waking up I checked my cards and was able to verify it was the same image as Baal. While I was dreaming a skinny, black, unimpressive demon with white pinprick eyes told me it was Baal and then wandered off. I’m aware it could have been an imposter, a liar, an underling working on Baal’s behalf, or perhaps Baal really did come to me in such an unimpressive form for some reason.

The ability to rationally examine our own gnosis is valuable.


How I see your dream is both your light and dark aspects are at conflict with each other and maybe you need to work on balancing them. One is trying to dominate the other. I could be wrong but that is how I see it.

this wasnt a dream

Sorry misread that part.

What does he mean by saying my prince?

None of these Abrahamic spirits are that powerful your spirit is more powerful where created in the image of a god manifest what you want in your self and charge it using the power centre and you’ll get better results then using angels for protection. lta abit petty really using spirits when we can do it ourself. Like the bhuddist believe in that we can become a god through meditation or what gnostic benidictian monks call godhood when you achieve that state you have no masters and you don’t need to use demons or angles to achieve it neither do you need demonic help for learning the arts or self help that’s all programmed into your soul just find the key to do so can be within yourself or an external tool that you have to find. Tree/shrooms and a good grounding ritual is to go to the nearest standing stone and walk around it clockwise 11 times then sit in the power centre you can do this with crystals or dousing rods what our ancestors would of use is crystals.

I see agree with you on automatic spirits… Not on demons thou