Lucifer-Amaymon & I Gatekeeper Journal

Thank you. Are you also experiencing along these lines?
Lucifer always seems to … make me get out my toy eventually. The heat is happening regularly as soon as relax


Attemted possesssion with Lucifer Amaymon i think it was better last night bec I requested one Lucifer not Lucifer Amaymon.
I srated rhe time frame et c. Just sensed them felt e tc.
Thats it. So next time one aspect at a time


I siught to entwine my spirit with Lucifer Amaymon
Before beginning my device finally useful again so got some reading.
On opening ritual space incense burning i rang my bo we l facing North first I declared that I am consuming parasites snd unhelpful energies going east et c. I stated how i eat and consume them their energeyic gorcedc were ni we my food. By my will using words given to me from Belial
Then began standing meditative my declared intentions and that i come as a god becoming that im invoking from a point of strength and growth not in servitude or beggarious.

I clled Myself to expression that is Morgana i always feel the difference now… caflling up priestess Ashala. Whom smiled to be opened

I visualised mystery inside the black sun and where i was
Seated now to meditation feeling the rising heat the full on holes all through the body aka chakra points as before feeling my body lighten in weight and flow of energy.
I felt - sensed cl as uneck on my left Belial Azazel -no ancestors this time - Lucifer Amaymon
As at some stage allowed my body to lay back focusing and refocus as staying in is not always easy.
The heat in my head while intense was not as painful folwing through my upper chakra areas. Although possession was not occuring at this time.

So thanked Lucifer-Amaymon snd called the meeting to a close

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The reason I chock & get the restricted breaths has something to do with my throat chakra because I do not always have a Voice not just sinus. I sometimes thought that calling these physical symptoms as a spiritual block aa bogus
mainly because the way mainstream paganism calls it that as a means to blanket label. But truly i have found I that I the construct am realizing my potential to inherit my true characteristics; that of Morgana. To do so is to shed inhibitions of paranoid delusions that have become learned in this physical form, that have grown through lifes experience, cultural brainwashing which itself engenders apathy and concludes in conflict of self. By this to born identity so moulded to conform but not one who conforms one who rebels is opposition to the current neons of this matrix. This reality with this system and its ways and means to control the populace bred and manufactured meat for someone elses design and agenda. And i will have none of it. This is Morgana and I declaration of independence if personal power if rising spirit of who and what i am…
I may clean my aura and fields as natural housekeeping but I choose to consume and devour I choose to manipulate and transmute. Come at me try to redesign my soace and my Will and I will surely Eat you. I devour I conquer I destroy. I opened My Voice.


Tonight did the full moon ritual with Lucifer Amaymon designed by @Yazata. It took 46 mins recorded.

Began with dmt audio to calm myself (after a bout of asthma this afternoon), then listened to sounds of Saturn.
Cleared the energies and opened ritual.
After calling him in

“We are the ones before you”

Blood annoint talisman. sfter Sexual juices

“Shine my voice into the light and speak”

Then meditative after 20 plus mins…

Sank down stepped out of body zipped around fast back in and sank again downstairs and back
M/I as One (do it seems) I choose to walk with Lucifer Amaymon -in the fire w
Remembered when -possibly last week- said “walk with us”…
Burning throat and solar plexus chakras loosening up.
Rembered vision of him walking on fires
Lucifer Amaymon on my right side. He’s tall.
I walked unto the firey lake became a column of fame. … a few times then removed my head n torso and went into what is ment to be void. Darkabd resealed my form together.
Went back into the flames

“Again and again”

Collumns of flame come out of my throat and solar plexus
Later a hollow sensations.

“St’klar kalash I’klopatun Asakun ipla klash”

Wirds received just like with Shax. Wasnts sure who had them till listen to recording.
It felt finished. Breathing.

I then stated that this ritual us done and said thank you & extinguished flames


Awesome :fire:



Tonight work with Lucifer for a specific task lacking by my not sinking v omplry t ly


“Aven” means sinkhole down into the cave & up into the sky


Is there a Mantra, enn or Chant to it?

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Looking it up as part of something Lucifer Amaymon said previously

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Great!! :sweat_smile:


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Lucifer Amaymon i was asking for chant words to purify or trsnsmute something. One of three was lloking for.
And for to consume he says Astaroth.

I was wondering what have i learnrf so far what iss the purpose of bedonh his work with me and i realised that belial gave me courage on things closest to my issues: that is loving and sex.
Lucifer has effected my voice n solar plexus he has restore my voice to speak up

Theu are still around me i can tell funny thing is that unlike mu usual without oke thrir presence is around. … when thinking about one mt 3rd eye throbs when I m not and on something else… nothing pounds ir tingles.
Usually its the room tempreture going very warm or muvh colderor you feel someone near by

I noticed you can with smoke flowing call a Spirit such as a planetary and let it be known thst you will be contacting it for advice on something soon and get a reply. You don’t need enns. But their nice.
Si i addressed Venus third planet of ‘Hargit’
After stating my intention to contact soon… i said Ive probably done this before. … i had a reply
“Yes you have”.


Astaroth on my mind today. …
Well evocation of Lucifer Amaymon early evening before dinner my head was more painful and crouched thsn it has been in a while my heart chest constricted racing unfocused. . I thought I was ill like not eating sufficient caloried. This went on for about an hour. I said at the beginning I wanted to experience this with him.
So stopped all abd i will be back later. And prepared food for us. All pains and sensations stopped. So perhaps it wasxnot just my body
Edit… will reconnect with him again soon

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Se o d attempt with Lucifer Amaymon
Sensationa same less imtense

To quiet the mind

(Headache mind fogs)… will listen to recording. Cannot sharit cause of vocalised singing but the smokw was acting weird thought I saw a dragon or long faced animal inthe smoke dont know for sure. Thete were glitches in the smoke as if it was acting on a dif streal time wherein it looks like stop and cut in records but nothing else did.

But haaah I need another pair of eyes to be sure its not just me.
Som ed words so hopefully the audio picked it up


So although I didn’t heat what was recorded. … i felt drsswn to a sey of formulas for “xyz…”
That i was previously shown. So re reading note-taking I can parts of my answer satisfied in the website also what i have found here on balg.
Thanks Lucifer Amaymon
Also thinking of our up coming trip in December that my daughter is looking forward to even if im trying not to dred.
I suddenly thought whilst we were relazing tonigh that we can do a spell of illumination from illlususions. I don’t actually know any and the moment i looked back at the page I saw this:
“‘Lucifer Illuminato Mea’ mostly used in meditative rituals to bring about wisdom & enlightenment” ill have to design something. But this is perfect because she will be able to discern when people are going to bribe her for their own gains. U explained it to her and she agreed to do it.


Our time is winding down and my lack of focus is astoundingly disappointing
But before losing it I fel t his essence st r only enough saw vagu e ly the image he gave before only this time much closer.
After 45 min cl pose will mak e on e last att exempt with the Invoking.

Thought I saw a bug on the wall yet every time I glanced at the wall nothing was there.


Lucifer Amaymon and I have definitely got unfinished business that is definite. Yes.
Did I succeed tonight… not if I only sensed no. I got tired.
Still tired e d preps 4 sleep


Tonight was successful possession with Lucifer Amaymon. It’s late I want to sleep. But I must begin anyway. It’s the beginning and t the 2x recordings

Ima Sa Kum Sa Ba

To the Realm of Life.

15 mins later whilst spending time with m y daughter
He burst words out these were not recorded however my daughter repeated back. S have so funny she just turns and says “hello”
He said “… in order for him to .com w through I must be receive”


M you said I “need to receive” I want to receive. Is there something that can make me relax, receptive chant for mind and body to relax

L Kala Sum Kahn
Kala suma Kahn imbala 'ssh

L In times of of strife know that you are safe. In times of fright know that you are strong
Imbala So Kahn.
M oh Lucifer
L The queen has risen. The queen rises. Take your place Ki. Sharn Ak Noros
Rise, Rise.
L Forget illusions
M What did he mean by illusions (reff Claunecek)
L Everything is illusion
M Do you qualify illusion
L (unimpressed) Do I look like an illusion. Child.
M Just testing you
M I want a chant to illuminate the eyes as o that those who look will see truths ask dx those who don’t look will suddenly realize what is real. The real situ.or real as in the mirror real.
Can you give this to me
L Em Shala Kia’sama
You already know the answer.
M But this is a spell for something else
L I’m not repeating myself
M Another one. Do you have words that will cause the seeker to have focus of Will. Focus to relax focus on subject. Stop the mind from wandering
L Heard you the first time
Kamish Kahna
L I am here I’m always here. Draw me on your body and I will always be here for you.
M the pathwork for Lucifer is closing and the e n Azazel begins. Before we finished I must show you what I learnt. And I think I Have.
What else the alchemical fire. What else can I / show me / change.
L Ik bin Makars Draw me
M — I drew sigil on upper left above breast muscle
L Good spot
L You ask two things now
M Yes
L The rite l light of fire is already begun. you will much when you stop questioning yourself. You will see further than the light of the dawn
Kim basala Kahn
Yuk sshaah’mushk Blish’la
Do not concern --![in]-- terms of relations come for this.
The other one us the other one.
Your a asking m o re
M Yes
L I will give you the extra
M Turning fear into something I can eat
L There is
L we are not concerned with your image. You are.
You will die die then you will be.
M I thought I was dead [(previous nights dream re being black as in dead)].
L Dead. dead Not yet. Many deaths
You want to ascend this lifetime . You will have to work and you will sssshall.
M [( my mind got in the way)]
L Silence is appreciated
M Be at peace
We don’t all speak the same. Our language is beyond sound. Mintakah Your question–[how to eat fear]–
Kerin shun kamp ek le kass undu’k ofsh.
And the last one. Fire is in me, in lucifuge is beyond him is beyond the fire that is the voi-id- as you call it. Will burn every all until there is just You. When you emerge fire fire comes through you. And all be see and simple. And all is there will then be no sep-a ration between what you now see and what you wishsssshhh.
This is the heat you feel now is the fire burning through you. Fire is consuming you throughout

----Minds eye visual of ouroborus—

M My body’s on fire/hot
L This is the heat you feel now there is fire burning through you fire is consuming you.
Fire consumes. You. The serpent will eat you and you can eat the serpent. Eat the serpent and the serpent will eat you.
M Aaah snake tails round and round
L Be careful what you hear and how you hear. Listen deeper. Understand.
Find this will. Feel this fire
M Yes I feel this fire. It’s burning it’s so hot.
M Are you talking about kundalini or becoming one with the all or overcoming the all by eating it’s tail.
L Your already one with the serpent. You love the serpent. The serpent loves Morgana .
M Black Serpent
L Yes
L I/We dragon. And he is right we are part of the dragon in a sense.
You wawant to expand your more mind. We will expand. You will expand.
We have not left we will not leave
M --Its so hot
L You must endure the heat.
There is no time there is no limit.
You rush
M I feel the heat yes. Very warm very warm
L The alchemical fire has begun. Come child heal yourself grant your own desires.
We have not left we will not leave
Kilarishan Kilarishan Kilarishan Kilarishan
We don’t care for comfort. That’s simulation
M Surely I can enjoy this illusion
L --short laughs-- Silly questions
M What about some practical changes I need to make big problem to my construct, since we are together we share it
L Haven’t you been told before. Do not worry.
M Its a fine line between worry and paying bills.
But I get your point
M Lucifer Lucifer. You have blue eyes
L Yes
M Is that created
L Yes
Abandon associations, old images old things taught. They are illusions too.
Do not make real what is an illusion
M You mean don’t focus on what is illusionary or unpleasant
L Unpleasant is unpleasant Pleasant is pleasant.
We know she’s listening
M I feel the heat yes
L Girl, Lady Queen. How do you like to be addressed
M Ok
M I like having you around
L Do the exercises again and again and again

L Love is a storm. Kiladishstan
M What else are you wanting to tell me tonight
M Do you have a message for anyone else
L Do not focus on things past
L Ishnaya Om (or on)
We are here. Stay. Talk. Us
The world will be changing upside down other way around everything will be changing changing because it’s time and now you must rise. Rise All rise rise. Change with the changing. Order. Chaos.
I have no more to say. Evoke me out.


Wow. Great stuff.