Luca’s introduction

Hello, here’s my introduction post. I’m a draconian magician with some Thelemic influences. Ive been a lurker on this forum for awhile. Recently I’ve lost a bit of motivation for my practice, so I’m hoping that joining up with this will reignite the dragon’s flame in my soul. With Love, Luca


Welcome to the forum.

What caused you to lose your motivation? Tired of doing the same things?

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Welcome @93luca

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Not quite that. My family is very strict and against any type of witchcraft or magick, and I’ve only recently become an adult, so I’m stuck living with them for the next month. It takes a lot of effort to cover up my practice while I’m living in their house, and in the small town that I live in there aren’t many places I could go to practice. I’ve been practicing under their noses for years now, but I’ve just kinda lost the motivation to keep going. My practice is important to me, but it’s rough having to work while hiding it.


Im from a small town in Indiana in the US. I’ve been dabbling for a solid five or six years now, but I’ve been taking it seriously for two or three

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I came from one near Kokomo, Indiana. Haven’t been there in years though.

Have you considered moving your practice to the astral? You would just look like you’re napping.

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I’ve always had trouble astrally projecting, but I’m very open to the idea.

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Hi there @93luca welcome to the forum :wave:

You could investigate the term astral temple, this is a place you build on the astral. You can do your rituals in that place. You basically using your imagination to build it, so don’t worry about not being able to projecting to the astral. It also sharpens your clairvoyance ability and with time you will be able to project to that place also.

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