Love's Mediation/Evocation Journal

Last night during a mediation I am confident I heard Azazel tell me to evoke him twice a day… I have been in a slump recently. I’ve just been extremely unmotivated to sit and mediate or even attempt at evocation as I get frustrated easily when in the mindset of evoking him-- as during a mediation I feel his presence more than when actually sitting down in a ritual setting.

So to keep myself accountable, I’ve made this with the intention to not forget about it, and actually evoke Azazel twice a day.

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I woke up this morning and the first thing I did after brushing my teeth was evoke Azazel because if I allow myself to procrastinate at all I will never get anything done. So I forced myself to do it first thing in the morning. Oddly enough this has turned to be one of my most successful evocations.

For context, in a past mediation I got the vision of a red door, and had at the time opened it and called out to Azazel. He had shown up as a dark figure with a ram’s skull for his head. That was during which he told me to evoke him twice a day.

During my evocation this morning he’d appeared that exact same way, he always shows up right when i’m no longer trying to force anything to happen, in a moment when my mind is blank. Basically he told me to work on feeling energies and breath work.

Later I decided to use the Ouija Board he hates using, where he then told me to Astral Project instead of using the board. Which to be honest, fair enough, I don’t particularly enjoy using it anyway, it’s frustrating at times. In the past i’ve attempted to astral project using a variety of methods, i’ve found one that actually works how people have described it to, but i’ve been unable to actually leave my body. I have gotten close many times in the past, when I asked for advice on this he said, “Believe there are stairs.” It really struck me because yesterday I was talking to my sibling about how working with entities and learning about psychic development is like taking a step off the edge of a cliff, believing in the stairs though you cannot see them.

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